• Never mind I found it and it says free did not seen where it would cost 110.00 after wards.

  • Hi Everyone. I seen there is a talk about windows 10 I checked for new updates on it but could not find any. why isn't it automatically updated?? Where can I get some info to read about it?? will that be compatible with Firefox? and what about all the saved files ? would I loose those? someone please help me with it

  • Hi to all.. I know I'm way late again hope you all had a great 4th. I worked in the yard today till it got to hot for me then cleaned house.Went to 1 YS and then the FM and only came home with 4 items.Good thing the was all close by.

    Shelly... did you ever requested to be a member of the boards I send you the links to?? this after noon we had a few 15 min. rain showers feels like Tropical weather then the sun came back out. hope the BD party went well.

    Cathy.. nice looking area from your Balcony. bet you enjoy sitting there and watch whats going on. 🙂

    Max.. hope you all had fun today..whats new in your area? Seen som eold restaurant plates at the FM this morning and thought about you no I did not buy them this was the plain simpl eones with a blue stripe around it. forgot the comp name. Starts with an S..

    Susan.. both my dogs was scared of the fire crackers the stayed so close to me and was so shaking. the kitties couldn't care less. LOL My friend gave me some Pepper and Tomato plants yesterday now I have them in Flower pots. Hope the do good and grow fast 🙂

    Irene... you ever watch the show on the flea market buys and make something else out of it and resell it. That is a pretty good show, the make some nice stuff out of scrap things.

    Well its almost 10 pM here so I guess I go hit the sack catch you all next time around.

  • Hi y'all.. I know I'm late coming in. but had lots of things to do today.well all my bills are paid so I have electricity & water for next month LOL

    Max. ...My Ys here at the house is all left over what I haven't sold on ebay & Fb. and stuff from my house I don't want any more. I find nicer things then I exchange it and get my money back from the old one 🙂 But I'm really thinking about twice a year just offer the whole lot of it to one buyer maybe someone that sells at the FM every weekend would want it and I won't have to work so hard anymore.It is terribly Humid here today 5 min. out doors and it feels like I'm melting.

    Shelly ...sure hope all those tests come out good. Sometimes I really think the dr's just wants to make the $$ to order all the tests and the get a cut of it.I truly feel blessed not to have to be on any medications hopefully it stays that way for a long time.

    Susan.. have you brought any more stray cats home. Is it this hot over your way to?? I need to come & Visit you with a big uHaul truck and help you empty some of your storage buildings LOL only 4 YS listed here this weekend so far, everyone must be going to the beach 🙁

    Hi Cathy... you have anymore planes for trips to go digging? That looks like some big copper pieces. how big are they?

    Irene.. hope your hubbys eyes check out good .
    Catch up with you all in the morning

  • Good morning everyone here..

    Shelly.. here is 3 YS groups on FB in your area. click on the link and then click on Join once the acept you you will get a notice.



    Good luck I'm sure you like selling there on FB, lot less stress & no fees 🙂

    Shelly I have plenty of yard for a veggie garden All the property behind the 2 sheds in the back that is all mine as well.I would have to put a fence around it to keep the bunnys and other critters out 🙂 It just going to be a small one for just eating and freezing a few.

    Just listing to the news and the weather all over sure is getting worse every year it seems storms floods to no end. Just cut my grass last week Wed. and now it looks like it hasn't been cut in weeks, the rain and then heat . Where is the goats ? LOL

    Susan... the YS around here is good some weeks and a flop the next LOL so when there is any I hit all the ones I can never know what to be found.I have a customer here she buys any strange & weird thing I can find. the 3 frogs I got Sat. sold already last night. Since 5 PM last night I sold 9 items total.

    Max... where are you this morning?? You still collecting your restaurant ware dishes? How does Tracey like her new job? Bet it is hard for her to get used to the FL. heat after living in MI all those years.
    You all have a great day

  • OMG its so hot out when I let Tasha & Toby out I went bare feet and the wood deck is so hot couldn't hardly stand on it. If any of you walk your dogs in this heat please let them walk on the side of the road in the grass as it will burn their paws on the pavement. wen't to the FM this morning got me a few more plants LOL like I really need more. got 2 beautiful matching glass trays with the red edging. its not AH but looks similar. have to do some research on that. So quite in here now all the babies here are sleeping and content. I'm seriously thinking about having my own veggie garden again next year.

  • Shelly ...what is the name of your county and state and I go see if the have any of the Yard sale pages going on.

  • Hi just got back here did 20 write ups.

    Irene ...sorry I only sell on FB now no more ebay for me. It is local area Yard sale groups.

    Shelly ...You are on my Yard sale board but anyone else that wants to be a member I can add them. so there is my listings and other members on my board. you got the link to it, you a Member. I sell on 3 other boards as well. Other YS boards don't let anyone to join from out side our area here. I let you in as we know one another for many years.Tomorrow evening I be listing a lot of my new items.

    Max ...I'm glad you feeling better now. We having a rain shower every night for the past 3 days and a lil drizzle now & then during the day. And Tasha will not walk on wet grass. well folks good night I'm going to bed 🙂

  • OMG I wrote that yesterday the one below and forgot to post it. Darn old age is creeping up on me LOL.

    Well I didn't find to much over the weekend but what I did find was nice. I'm coming across a lot of the vintage Pyrex bowls and casseroles & the all look like new. Got a few nice picnic baskets, a 5foot tall iron Corner shelf that folds up so neat,several yard frogs, Display cabinets to hang on the wall and one was chuck full of Miniature Animals for 5.00 back sticker on shelf shows Enesco 1978.Max you would like the 12" tall man that is dressed up for fishing with fishing rod and all.

  • Hi Everyone here.

    Max.. no I have not gotten my new shelfs up yet waiting for my Handyman to get his own place. OMG its been so hot & humid I can not even go out at 6 AM to finish cutting all the shrubs and weeds down on the property line. I tried the other day & I lasted about 15 min. & had to come in sweat just running of. Not to many sales out yet this weekend only 4 so far went to one this morning and got mostly xmas stuff real cheap & nice pieces. and one starts at 2 pm today a moving sale about 4 miles from my house so I be going to that one.I talked to 8 people around here the last few day and the said the quit selling on ebay and Amazone as things getting nuts with their fees and regulations. I know I'm happy I quit all them etsy as well.

    Shelly... if you want hot peppers just don't take out the seeds. Guacamole is made with avocados and seasoning. Avocados are real good in a salad like I posted.

    Cathy... I loved Meyers stores when I lived in MI. Wish the had one here close to me.

  • Hi Everyone here.

    Max.. no I have not gotten my new shelfs up yet waiting for my Handyman to get his own place. OMG its been so hot & humid I can not even go out at 6 AM to finish cutting all the shrubs and weeds down on the property line. I tried the other day & I lasted about 15 min. & had to come in sweat just running of. Not to many sales out yet this weekend only 4 so far went to one this morning and got mostly xmas stuff real cheap & nice pieces. and one starts at 2 pm today a moving sale about 4 miles from my house so I be going to that one.I talked to 8 people around here the last few day and the said the quit selling on ebay and Amazone as things getting nuts with their fees and regulations. I know I'm happy I quit all them etsy as well.

    Shelly... if you want hot peppers just don't take out the seeds. Guacamole is made with avocados and seasoning. Avocados are real good in a salad like I posted.

    Cathy... I loved Meyers stores when I lived in MI. Wish the had one here close to me.

  • Good morning everyone...

    Hot out already in the high 70's. gonna be another scorcher today. I went & watered my flowers at 5:30 this morning.

    Max yes it is the same guy. he never be able to hold a full time job and limited on what he be able to do. The building 2 huge 4 story tall low income homes in our area right across from WM and a small shopping center.

    Irene... the have to put applications here to to get into one. and if you have any criminal records you not getting in.

    Cathy I have not seen any pictures yet from your last trip of findings 🙂 come on girl show it...

    Shelly... where are you this morning ? hope all is well..

    well I need to get busy here catch ya all later and have a great day

  • Hi Everyone.. Well my cable & internet finally came back on at 1:45 today been out since last night 11 PM. But I sure got a lot done here in the house all caught up on my laundry, cleaning house and delivering sold items, plus went to seen my friend in a home he has been in after his stroke and he is doing good just about ready to be released trying to find a low income place to rent as he be on disability. only 57 years old. He was my handyman for 9 years till that happened and today he told me I can do most the handy work again with some of my help. I'm so happy he is doing so good now.

  • Good morning to all you nice folks 🙂

    Shelly.. had to laugh about the money burning a hole in his pocket LOL sounds like my son, and he sure didn't get that from me. 75.00 for a Garbage can OMG. Now living in the city limits sure has lots of advantages here free garbage pick up, all trimming from trees shrubs and lawn is picked up from the side of the road so as old furniture and things like that. all included in property tax. You right I should of went to the FM in VA. Life & learn Huh?

    Reen... ya that is the proper name I couldn't think of it for the flower. Bet you happy to get in your new house. not to much longer now.Are you going to have a big Moving sale?

    Max... Are you having coffee and watching your fuzzy tail sweeties.So how does Tracey like living in FL ? and how is lil Spike doing? and can't forget Bob.:) She still selling on ebay?

    Susan... hope you and hubby doing fine now. still feeding all those strays? I wanna go to red Lobster for dinner but the closet one either direction is 30 miles from me. So I settle for Golden Coral which the one here has some really good food.

    I check back in later on you all have a great day

  • Woo hoo it worked some kind of Yellow daisy for got the proper name. 🙂

    Hi Max ...I can loan ya 20.00 I done spend the rest 🙂 I was so disgusted about the trip to Durham didn't even go to the big Flea in VA took a ride to the one here and no one there. so its gona be a slim week for sales for me. I went and trimmed more of my jungle out this morning but about 10:30 it was getting to darn hot out so I called it a day for that. Still have about 20' to go and I have it concord. We lost power last night for about an HR. had one heck of a storm come through at 60MPH winds. scared me .

    Shelly ...thats great your hubby finally sold the Harrley I know you glad. one less paym and ins. Plus you hav eno worry now cause of it.

    Reen.. I fixed your link for the flower 🙂 How is your house coming along?

    Susan... I would give you a nickle to send that down pour your way yesterday. it was a scarry storm.

    You all have a nice evening.

  • http://i59.tinypic.com/a5gj6h.jpg I hope it works its Reens link to a flower

  • hello Max Shelly, Reen, Susan,Iren and ever who else is peeking in.

    Well I thought I was going to have a easy lazy week, but that went down the tube. Had to do a lot of clipper snipping all along my property line on one side a bunch of the scrubby trees started to grow up that I did not planted.
    Wow right now the sun is shining bright and the rain just came down by the buckets from the looks of it. and it already stopped. a 5 min. thing. We been having some real bad Thunder storms for the last 3 night hot as hell in the day in the high 90's. feels like I'm back in Fl. with that terrible humidity.
    Went to the big city shopping this morning and should of stayed around here. hardly anything that I buy, did found a few nice old Pyrex bowls and a depression glass blue bowl. Maybe I take a run up to Danville VA to the big Fleamarket up there tomorrow morning. And the heavy storms broke off some of my pretty tall flowers.

    You all have a great sunday Stay safe & happy & healthy 🙂

  • Good evening to all.

    Another scorcher here then we had a 10 min rain shower and the humidity went sky high after that. My flowers loving it.This weekend I mostly found real nice cheap christmas decoration I don't mean junky stuff. I ran out of Xmas decoration to sell beginning Dec. & I had a whole lot of it.

    Max...I'm sure looking forward to a slow relaxing week coming up 🙂 If nothing comes up.

    Shelly ....Our Strawberries been done for a month now. sure wish I was in Michigan visiting as the cherrie season starting pretty soon if I remember correctly. ist it Max.?
    Hope you all having a great weekend.

    Reen ...don't over work your self.catch ya all tomorrow

  • hello everyone. I'm still kicking LOL wew what a 2 weeks. between the heat we been having in the 90's and humidity then working to get my sales out and getting ready for the big YS had that this week WEd. & Thursday. and after I closed up I got so sick to my stomach from the heat. Now tomorrow I be going to the big City to big YS and then next week I take it easy before I drop over.

    See you all doing alright. Haven't even read all the posts yet. Finally got a few more flowers blooming in my garden wish the bloom alll at the same time all summer long, but thats wishful thinking 🙂 Well my storage shed has lots of room again now I donated 12 Boxes full of stuff I wanted out of there from the YS and the Habitat was happy to come & get it today. the having YS every 2 weeks year around. You all have a great weekend.

  • hello everyone.. Well we finally got some rain last night and the showing rain shower every day this week. went out in my YS shed this morning and sorted through made up some 0.25, 0.50 1.00 boxes @ item in those boxes be that price. But still not sure yet if I be able to have the sale this week. 🙁

    Max ...Sorry you might have to wait another week for the small loan LOL OH the poor lil squirrel. You right I did sold lot of my new items I got this last weekend had 3 deliveries yesterday and 3 big ones today at 2:30

    Reen.. nice flower I seen the white dog why is his ribs showing so much? is that Lizi? So when will you be able to move in your new home?

    Susan...I see you played Plant rescue at Lowes 🙂 hope the all live for you. when the have those here they way to far gone to try and safe them. This fall I', going to get me a pink Dogwood flower tree if I can find one cheap enough.

    I feel so sorry for all those people in texas that lost so much due to floods and probably did not have flood ins. either.

    Y'all have a great day might check back in later on 🙂

  • hi Reen , Shelly,Susan and all others wondering in 🙂

    Reen ....I bought that chair for 5 $ the seat patting was missing and the cross spindle between the legs someones dog chewed on it so I thought it be good for the garden to sit there and make it more homy the birds love it I has a dish on it with bird seeds but the squirrels thought it was for them so I removed it. didn't know what kind of chair name it had. Is your new house a ranch style with a basement? Are you taking pictures while its in progress of building that be nice for later on.

    Went to WM this morning to get fresh Veggies & fruit and bird seeds for the inside ones them went over by the FM and only 5 people set up and just cloths & junk, found a cute time out chair all wood hand made for a small child & that is all I got. for 3.00

    Susan ...you are one busy lady.. would love to go shopping in your sheds 🙂 I would make plenty of room for you to put more stuff in it LOL I have flowers coming up in my garden I never planted and have no clue what the going to be once the bloom the Mystery might be solved. I finally found me a Lilac bush that grows in the south hot weather. I love the smell of those when the bloom. My big Grape Myrtles are ready to bloom pretty soon. I planted those when the was little 8" tall twigs and now the about 14 feet tall after 6 years.

    Max.. you all must be out some where having breakfast..Its getting hot and humid here already and its only 10:30. But nothing like Fl. Humidity How is lil Spike doing? he is getting up there in age now isn't he?

    Shelly ...I had one of those Federal Bowls but mine was a clear Iridescent one sold that on ebay shortly before I quit there only got about 15.00 I think. Have you tried yet to copy pict. of FB and safe them on your computer?

  • Hi everyone .
    Im pooped out been to 11 sales got home about an Hr. ago & had to find a place to put it all. some stuff in the back selling room got put in boxes for my yard sale 🙂 Who ever said when you retire that is to relax and take it easy, well that sure doesn't fit me LOL I got a real nice feeding station in a stand so he won't have to bend all over to eat and he doesn't want to use it and it is about 8" to long from the place I have for it. so That goes on the selling list 🙁 I love working in my garden I be out there 3-4 hrs. at a time every spring & fall. and do not have a weed growing up. 🙂 Found som enice items today, 2 wood carved and hand painted Ducks, 2 beautiful Hand painted German porcelain cup & sauce, oblong candy dish and and delft blue from Holland cow which is a creamer,A fish Teapot and a Cabbage head teapot. lots of Xmas decorations and lots more.

    Shelly... I looked all over the internet to find some thing even close to your pot and could find nothing. What puzzles me is that wire around it.

    Max.. send those blue Jays up here I feed them. You find anything good at Goodwill? How is lil Spike doing?

    Reen.. where are you haven't seen any of your posts in a few days.

    Irene... thanks I enjoy it.

  • I finally had time to catch up reading the almost week old posts LOL Just relaxing this afternoon for a chance and sure feels good not to do anything . Tomorrow be a busy day again starting at 6 Am to ??? I probibly catch you all tomorrow when I get back have a great weekend

    Reen don't over do all the packing & cleaning 🙂

  • Hi Shelly Thanks for posting the pict. for me. My babies don't run loose as my yard is not fenced in the have a long chain but the can't reach the flower beds plus I have the little fence on front of it. I sell quit a few cooking pots on FB. the all nice and clean ones.

  • Good morning to all.

    Shelly... I just resend the garden pict. I send them the same way as to dog pict. don't know why the didn't go through. well the Estate sale didn't have to much to offer mostly furniture and don't need those. did get A real nice carpet runner 8 ' long for 10.00 thats mine 🙂 2 nice cast aluminum vintage pots with copper lids, and a nice roasting pan with lid. thats it. Got to go to the big City tomorrow , I have 6 big sales lined up already and what ever else I come across on my travels .
    Shelly if you want to take copies of pict. on FB click on the pict. then it enlarges then right click and save image thenits on your computer & you then posted it here how ever you do that LOL

    Max... I see you still having your Morning coffee on your patio. I guess you send me some of my Blue Jays back seen quit a few already this year. LOL Looks like according to the next week weather report it be having occasionally shower on the days I want my sale. so I wait till monday and hope it will change the update.

    Both my babys went for a ride this morning and the happy now and sleeping.

  • Hi everyone . don't shoot 🙂 I know I been gone for days now. but been busy working in my yard & Garden and now its finally done. just waiting for more flowers to bloom. Sold quit a few items on FB which is good. and ready to put more up this evening. I haven't even had a chance to read all the posts yet.

    Max.. where did you find that beautiful hand painted plate?

    Shelly I'm doing fine will send you some of my garden pictures tomorrow so if you like to post them.
    I'm going to an estate sale 7 AM tomorrow with great hopes of lots of treasures LOL. girl can wish ....

    I be back here in the morning when I get back then I have time to chat longer.
    You all have a great evening

  • Hello everyone haven't been here in a few days. been real busy in my Garden and selling. plus marking all my YS stuff and still got more to do. went to lows yesterday and to the FM got me more flower plants now I think I got enough. I hope. The one Lady at the FM I buy plants from her just about every weekend 🙂 and today she gave me 2 pots with free ones. That was so nice of her.

    Susan... Tasha get just about as big as Toby is.She is a worse mama baby then Toby is LOL. My Favorite pie is apple or Cherry.
    I take some pictures of my Garden tomorrow & have Shelly post them for me.

    Max... as much as you read you need to hit some YS you find plenty there. How is the rest of the Family doing? did you get company from MI. over the Holiday? I don't really brown my steamed fried cabbage just a tiny bit before I take it out. Its good with Onions in it. We been having some beautiful weather here this weekend.

    I be back on here in the Morning so good night to y'all got to get some listings up yet. 🙂

  • Shelly... I only use 3 strips of Bacon to render out then use a table spoon of Olive oil and then my cabbage cut up with some small cut up onion salt & pepper and simmer it down on low and stir it quit often then its not to greasy I can't stand real greasy food. Good luck at the FM. I buy my mulch in bags. hauled them home in two loads in my little car then used a pull cart to take it in the back yard.

    Max.. You right my two is like mud & jeff exept the one won't stay little very long. Sure is keeping old Toby on its feet he is going to be 9 years old in Nov. When people ask me how old he is the can't believe it when I tell them. he is very active especially now. LOL I hav e2 white Fire King cups here left over from ebay couldn't even sell them at my last YS. I remember 1 time I sold 35 cups and those went to Japan that went through that ebay thing I think. It rained here most of the day on & off just nasty ol day.

  • Hi Cathie.. wow that is a pretty picture looks like no mans land. Only god knows what you be able to find in those rocks. So serene looking. any pictures of your finds?since I stopped selling on ebay I hardly haven't painted at all. only a few special request ones.

  • Good morning everyone. OMG so many long posts. Woke up at 5:30 this morning and let the dogs out and pouring rain.
    And Tasha doesn't like rain at all. worked in my garden good part of yesterday and still have half to do with Mulch yet. We hadn't had no rain for about close to a week so I watered last evening and now that was a waste of water LOL. but sure is starting to look good again.

    Reen.. I sprinkle salt on the slugs and that kills them. Hope your house sells pretty soon. How many bedrooms is going to be your new house?

    Max.. are you still collecting old mugs? How is lil Spike doing with his new play pal?

    Susan...I tried that one time with the bowl of beer in the garden and I found a bunch of drowned ants in it. Whats that ebay sold Pay Pal ?? I have not seen an ebay advertising on TV for a very long time, are the going down hill?

    Ann.. hopefully you not close to any rivers or creeks to flood out your home. Stay safe.

    Shelly.. you ever make Southern fried cabbage as a side dish? it is so good with Corn beef. or Pork roast.

    You all have a great day. see if I can find more stuff to sell on FB. got 3 deliveries today from last nights sales 🙂

  • Max.. My hair is all white since about 10 years now and stopped bleaching it out and now all of a sudden I got new hair growing on my hairline and on the right side there is black hair coming out don't know where that is coming from my original hair color used to be real dark brown almost black. just a few here & there. 🙂 weird things happen when one gets old doesn't it?? LOL

    Trimmed my big Holly bush and red maple tree today the getting way to big and out of shape. Look pretty good now. Now my next garden project is putting down more mulch keep the flowers happy and the sun won't roast the soil. Hope there is lots of sales this coming weekend as the weather supposed to be real nice I might even take a run up to Danville VA about 22 Miles from here Big huge FM there.

    Shelly.. hope the other DR. don't come up with some strange ideals to fix you up. I was just wondering about Lee as last I knew of she had some kind of Cancer.

    Who wants to come for Supper?? Im making stuffed peppers in Stewed tomatoes and rice.
    You all have a nice evening or morning when ever you read this.

  • Good morning to y'll.
    Thanks for the good tips on keeping the leafs on my flowers.
    Here I thought I'm the one has some unusual sleeping times, but see some of you have the same problem. Including leg cramps OMG. we been having some nice hot days here in the high 80's and no rain for cast for a week now. I don't have any potted plants flowers as the dry out to fast around here takes to much water to keep them alive and pretty.

    Shelly... that sure is a nice dragon Ware piece. hope you get some good $$ for it. Best of luck on your test.

    Max... I heard of Moth Balls work for a lot of things but I can not stand the smell of it. I planted 8 extra large Sunflower seeds and only 1 came up. the squirrels must got the other ones. You still feeding yours ? The ones I got around here are always in the bird feeders stuffing their face LOL. Yes the neighbor moved back into her house had it all redone inside. Now FB can take up a lot of ones time when the playing all those stupid games, selling & buying stuff only takes up as much time as one wants to spend.. now my self I do not play any of those games I have better things to do with my time.:) Haven't done any craft projects in about a year now. I might make up a few for halloween, to many copy cats out on FB.

    Does anyone know how Mama Lee is doing? is she on this board?

    Susan I love pulling weeds after a rain its so easy to come up with the roots 🙂
    Everyone have a nice day. Reen must be all tired out, didn't see any post from her.

  • Good Morning to you all here.

    Shelly.. you sure had a busy day. thats lots of work and running around. hope you slept good last night. How is Milk glass selling now on ebay? it sure sells good here I hav e2 customers her locally the buy most all the Milk glass I can find. Which is good 🙂

    Max.. I can loan ya a few $$ after my YS LOL. Talk about Dog food. the only food I buy is the Purina Dry Dog Chow and toby has been on it sense a puppy & never had any problems. And Tasha is on it as well. the never had a recall on that one. And naturally my babys get table food mixed with it several times a week. OMG you sure slept good didn't you.

    Reen... What happened with your huge Christmas Spirit you used to have?? I put up a lot less my self the last few years. Oh How is Lizzi doing? you still have her?

    I grew some catnip one year and it seems the neighbor hood cats came to visit the bush a lot LOL so now I do not plant that anymore. I have good luck growing Chives, Basel, Peppermint, Rosemary but Parsley which is one of my Favorites that just won't do good for me.

    Susan.. I bought me a Dalia plant and something is eating the leafes off on it can never see anything around it. what eats leafs of the plants do you know?

  • Good morning everyone on this beautiful Sunday.

    Max... did you all go out for breakfast this morning? Hope Spike got some good leftovers 🙂 went to the FM early and oly 5 people was set up. did find a few items was worth getting.

    Katie.. Happy Birthday it is the same day as my Sons he be 43. how time fly's wew scarey.

    Reen... where are you??? still packing up all your treasures. When I go to sales and see Christmas trees I think about you as you always have lots of trees up.

    Shelly... are you sleeping in today???

  • Hey everyone..
    Max.. not counting my YS money yet till first week of June that is when I'm having my sale . but went to 8 of YS this morning and found some pretty nice things and cheap 🙂 Came home and trimmed my shrubs, got that done but had to come in got to darn hot out there in the high 80's not used to that yet. Glad Karl is doing alright now.

    Susan... I haven't bought any soda in years, don't drink that stuff. Sounds like you have a bigger petting zoo then I do LOL. I got me 3 Foxglove plants at the FM this morning and planted those, I think the so pretty.

    Cathy... just don't over do it. But you still can have fun. sit down and dig all around you 🙂

    Shelly.......... when are you coming back to NC to see your Brother?

    Catch ya all later

  • Max.. yes thats the one 🙂 Thanks. Hope she be doing fine. Does anyone here still go on the Book board? Last time I was there it was nothing but DRAMA big time. Doesn't Bob go Fishing any more? I have not had a YS this Spring getting lazy I guess as I know my back be killing me for 3 days after. Wonder how Carl is doing now.

  • Hi everyone.. Im late this morning, had to take my friend to WM early this morning and get my minutes for the phone for the month. and had 3 delivery's to make from FB sales.

    Max.. I'm doing good with my Sugar never once been over my boarder line in 2 years average runs 105 and I do cheat a few times a week but not much. Hey a girl got to enjoy food a little 🙂 I also lost 23 # and had to get me new cloths. Do you still go shopping at the GW?

    Susan ... that is sad with them taking all those cats hope the got adopted out.at least you was able to save a few.

    Shelly.. I'm having a big YS here again the first weekend next month weather permitting. My shed is getting to full of stuff. Several of the items you seen on my page last night are already sold & gone so as from several other boards. that pretty lamp is gone to.

    Sure is a beautiful day out today in the high 60's and I love it with a lil breeze. Has anyone ever heard from Gordon any more? has anyone heard from the lady that lived way north on some Island I forgot her name she had those small horses.?

    You all have a great day

  • Good morning everyone..
    Shelly thanks for posting those pictures for me.

    Susan I see you still as busy as always 🙂 How is all colony of Kitties doing you still feeding them as well?

    Max... how is your GD she still in Collage up in MI? Sure hope your & bobs health are back on a good track now.

    Ann.. I forgot where you live.. sure having some nasty wet weather there. Stay Safe.

  • Shelly just send you pictures

  • Here is a picture of Toby & Tasha

  • Good morning everyone.

    Reen I had switched internet provider that is why all your emails wouldn't go through. all my emails I set up going through Yahoo now. Yes I'm still having my Flower Garden not to much of it blooming right now. Toby & Sweetie doing fine wish I could post some pictures on here.

    Max...Didn't the tell you your not supposed to wash the cell phone LOL. I'm so glad for you Tracey is in FL. with you & Bob now that is a lot better. so now your baby has a play mate 🙂

    Cathy.. Hope all is Ok with you now. So you still be able to go digging?

    Susan... Yes I still have all my 4 legged babies & my Feather ones 🙂 Plus I rescued a black 4 week old kitten someone found in a dried out well I had to teach him how to eat and drink he was nothing but skin & bones, went & bought the Mother type milk in cans for kittens and soft cat food. now 8 months later he is one lovable huge cat. and about a month ago I got a Brindle Pit Bull Puppy. Got a small petting zoo here now. LOL but love them all.

    you all have a great day be back later on

  • Hello everyone here that still remembers me. First time i been here in a very long time. all is well on my end. I quit selling on ebay 2 years ago and selling on FB. Max Are you still in FL.? called you several times but couldn't get a hold of you. Hope all is well with BOb now. I see Reen still hasn't sold her house yet. Hope you all had a terrific Mothers day.

  • Hey Gordon the USA has some nice chicks don't they LOL.. I'm sure the all taste the same as can't eat the feathers any how

  • Hi Max YVW. we sure do have some strange looking chickens LOL
    Ya I'm ready to go to sales early tomorrow.

  • hello every one here Gordon on this link you will see all types of American chickens http://www.triplespringacres.com/rareandfancychickens.htm

  • Gordon I pinned you Pinterest 🙂

  • Hi everyone Gordon I always look at your pictures as long as the no bugs & spiders 🙂 just seen Lizzies Garden and the birds . the second picture of the 2 Birds are Cockatiel not Love birds. the one red flower with the greenish yellow center look like Poinsettias. looks like she has her own Wild life sanctuary, very nice.

  • Good morning I just came in to read and seen the pictures and report about poor little Niece. I just have to post this as it is breaking my heart to see this poor dogs condition. To keep niece alive is a pure selfish reason he is practically starving to death with her health condition. To love your pet you do not let them suffer like that.

  • Good morning to all. and Happy Mothersday here is something for you Moms.

  • Gale.. So sorry to hear about Lassie here is a poem for you from the Rainbow bridge.
    Hugs my friend I know that lost feeling all to well.

    There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass.

    When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. All the animals who have been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

    The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent; her eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.'

  • Oh Gordon that is so sad to hear about Martha. I also spend some time with her & Carl at an auction down by there place.
    Please tell her all best wishes & prayers for her & Carl.

  • Good morning to all.

    Susan time sure flys by fast doesn't it? Sweetie going to get a slice of good black forest ham for her birthday present. 🙂
    I see you still keeping your self busy feeding all the little critters.

    Gordon that is interesting on how dogs drink in different situations, never knew that. And I loved the video of your walk in the rainforest. Some of those trees sure have a different growing structure and intesting to see nature that way. thanks for sharing that.

  • Hi Everyone. Gordon Toby is going 7 years old and Sweetie i got as a 6 week old kitten and she be 2 on Mothers day Mid May.
    Oh poor Hugo that is what I call being dumped on. Oh You darned tooten right I'm being picky what I like LOL

  • Gordon no creepy wormy buggy stuff for me. Just animals Butterflies and things like that. I sure hope Nice isn't in any pain with that heart wormer. She /he looks so sad.

  • Hi Gordon here is Sweetie

  • Good morning to all. Gordon you been posting some nice pict. but I do not nice spiders and bugs so I pass on looking at those if you put a warning note with it LOL.
    I had to laugh at the boid again how aggressive and sassy he got .
    Here is an update pict. of my Toby & Sweetie

  • Good morning to all. Gordon those Bird pictures sure brings back some nice memories. Oh those chicken are nice looks like fur instead of feathers on the one chicken. My Grandma had some of the Gini Chickens the less then half size of the reg. Chicken. Hope nice is getting better by now.

  • Hello to all here. Oh Gordon poor nice looks so pitiful. so fragile. That Bird looks some how a bit like a crane except cranes have tall skinny legs. Hope you didn't pluck the poor Bird to get a feather LOL. just teasing.

  • Hi to all..Gordon I'm so glad Nice is still with you and with meds it will make it a better life for her. She has been having a good life with you. Wishing you two all the best. Don't worry about the boid pict. when ever you get around to it right now you have other things on your mind.
    I just had to cut my lawn again & only been a week it is growing like crazy with this heat & rain in between a few days. Thought I might have to rent me some goats from some where LOL.

  • Hi Gordon and all others here.

    Gordon I'm glad Nice is on the way to recovery. Good thing you was not out in the middle of no mans land when that happen. Hope she will be alright.

  • Hi Liz.. My Toby was so sad for a few weeks he didn't wanted to play and did not eat like he used to when Tinker past away.Animals are such great companions. Know you got a house full to. So is it warming up your way by now???

  • Good morning to all.

    Gordon that is so sad to hear about Nice's health. I know all to well how you must be feeling I been through it as well but it always hurts the same. Hopefully it was just one of those things that happens and not to serious. sure be thinking of you two.

  • I just read all the posts here and I must say it was an interesting educational PB back in the good old days. Till trouble started. Shu always amazed me how fast she always had ID for items. Like a walking cyclopedia. Great lady she was.

  • Hi Liz.. Guess I'm late again to chat with you. Hope you doing alright.

    Gorden Thanks for the pict. Sure brings back nice memories. So are you going out into the canals again with your boat?

  • Gordon Was that a Magpie bird or something similar to that name.

  • Hi Gordon and all others. Thanks for digging out that footage. Boy do I remember that but it is still nice to see it again. Niece sure looks like a different doggie now. Poor lil thing. I remember your Mom used to hide when you tried to tape her.
    So how does it feel now that you in one area for a while? Are you staying with Lizzi. ?

  • Hi Janice here it is with out the word boards

  • Hi Gordon this one should work then will ya try it and let me know. I don't know why that one does not work and I have no problem getting in to it.

  • Bob It worked for me try again or try the first one then click over to the left on boards let me know if it works as I have no problem

  • Bob here is the link for the individual boards I have set up.

  • Bob.. it is very helpfull from what I heard. As when other join and the pin your item to theirs and it just keeps going. It took me about 3 times to get it figured out how it works on the set up. I do the tweeting also.

  • Hello everyone...
    Gorden I always watch your videos even tho I won't post often and I always enjoy them.

    Gale you still buying houses & remodel them?
    Is anyone here on Pinterest?? Leave me your link & I follow you here is mine

  • Good morning Gordon and other coming in.

    Gordon that last quick picture looks like a painting very nice. I been doing a lot of paintings of birds and scenery's.

  • Hi Gordon. Thanks the look good looks like red breasted Amazons.As pets the good talkers.

  • Gordon I found out that is a purse no camera case. Sure hope Hugo gets back fast and hopefully Nice can be feeling better after the treatments, poor little dog.

  • Thanks Gordon for the info. And yes I have a real good memory so far 🙂 I also remember when I talked you into caring for the half dead bird on the street. You did a real nice job on that experiment. Did Camera cases had nemes in them who made them?

  • Thanks Gordon.. Those Cockatoos are playful birds would love to see those in real life

  • Good morning everyone.
    Gordon that is a nice Video but I felt dizzy looking down that gorge that is so deep. Looking for the Parrot pictures.
    I think those birds the other day you posted was a mating rituals. Do you still have the video you made with all the cockatoos & Lorikeet, in your yard at the feeder.?

  • Good morning everyone here.
    A big Thank you to Gordon, Beth, Helen and Susan for the info on the doggies.

    Gordon I love your Bird pictures but you know that anyways, 🙂

    Susan.. Toby and the rest of them are doing fine.One happy bunch LOL. Toby still thinks he needs to go with me every time I grab my car keys.

  • hello everyone it has been a while
    Gordon The Black Swan is beautiful and carries her babies on her back never knew the do that.

    I d need some help with ID on this little dogs who made them TIA