• Dear Pottery Chatroom Board members,

    I am so sorry to inform you that my mother, Irene, passed away on August 2nd after suffering a heart attack. Mom had been doing fairly well at home for a couple of months.

    She enjoyed having all of you to chat with about her love of collecting and identifying pottery. She often told me about her conversations and all of you interesting members. Thanks for all the times you helped identify Mom's and my items when she posted pictures.


  • Hello all,
    Are we running out of things to talk about? Anyone going to the fair?
    Max, the only place I have gotten to so far is the Drs. offices. Got to keep supporting them. Ha!.

    Max, I 'm still not made it to BE. Would like to make it to the beauty shop first. Actually the two are close together and will probably make it to both places on same trip.

    Yesterday it took 45 min. to fill out paper work at Dr. Office for hearing check for wax. And half hr. wait to see Dr. which took him about 5 min.No wax. everything clear so come back for test on hearing. One thing after another. Dau. noticed my hearing failing in rehab. Lots of loud noise in my room from equipment; in room and inside the wall.
    Max, I still have the large carrying case etc. so DD goes with me to carry
    all of it and push the rest. Will be glad when I can do it myself. Taking time to order smaller equip is taking forever.Finally got it ordered last Thursday. I take oxy off during dinner and dozed in front of TV and found I had forgotten to put Oxygen back on and It was 2 1/2 hours without it and still had a reading of 98. I think I could go all day too without It.
    Well, like I said, what is everyone doing? Jack went to Beavercreek on Wed. for an eye Appt. Took 4 hours for it, counting driving. I stayed home
    & DD came to watch me in case I fall or something.
    Enough about us. Would like to hear from everyone else. You can vent on here, we don't care.
    Susan, did roofers get there?
    Wendy, Did you get lost somewhere? We need you to help us keep the board going!
    Everyone is welcome.

  • Having trouble sending message out --Well, I went to text data after losing my post.
    Susan, I sure would like to see your place after all of the improvements.I know you will enjoy the new roof. We have a tin roof on our front porch and I enjoy hearing the rainstorms. We continue to have storms with wind and white lightning. Almost like Springtime at times, but hot and humid too. Just when I decide to sit outside more this happens and the news is we have West Nile virus carried by mosquitoes found in our county. They began to spray the mosquitos but it only kills the flying ones. (not the sitting ones)
    Susan, I'd like to see your flowers. You could send a picture to Shelly
    she could post it for you.
    This is the first year that we don't have hanging baskets of flowers around our back patio. Jack did the watering and It's a big job as he put food in the water and measured food & water every day.We do have flowers still blooming about all the time.
    I meant to tell you the names for the cats are cute (plus descriptions)
    I'm like Bear. I collected over 100 cookbooks. I even have my mother's WHITE HOUSE. It's about all there and is loose leaf condition …. all of the pages are separate. I don't know what to do with it.
    Suppose someone could copy the pages and make another book… but I'm too old for that. ( please excuse capital letters)
    I LOST 10 POUNDS the last couple of months.Weight now is about where I want it, Don't want to get too thin. I have enough wrinkles as it is.
    Haven't made it to BE Yet. Did podiatrist yesterday. Feels good to have my toenails all cut.
    SHELLY where are you. working on the store? Oh, that's right. You now have your son living there. How is that working out? Sure makes a difference doesn't it. Is he able to help you both with the chores? Hope so. Know you will enjoy his company. And you are probably on a different schedule now.
    9Marson, I'm with you about down sizing. Think some old vintage clothing will go first. Would also like to sell the quilts that I have. Wish I knew the beat place to do that.
    Waving to the lurkers?

  • Hello everyone,
    The last week has gone by pretty fast and I did not get everything done that I wanted to.

    Got a little bit of the exercises for arms. Did them to Lawrence Welk Music on Sat. evening. Husband Jack and his family knew the Lawrence Welk family well.

    We lost a trumpet vine last year and sprouts were taking over half of the backyard this year so someone is working on that yesterday & today. The weather was just right for that chore. Pretty day out there today and not humid.
    Got a few exercises in but did not work enough on leg exercise and walking. plus walking in place.
    Have yet to go out to eat. Will try to get a smaller light weight oxygen tank for that and Dr. appointments. I have 2 this week and Jack has 3 Dr. APPt.(good time to get pie) dau. made a delicioues pie not long ago
    Have a bouquet from our yard of old fashioned Purple flocks. Such a beautiful shade. (with long stems)

    The quick receipts sound good and quick to get on the table. Will try some of them soon.Speaking of canned chicken. Our dau. fixes Chicken ala King with canned chicken, cream of celery soup, milk and peas. Makes large batch about 6 helpings served on toast.We added that to our rush night minu.

    When my Jack retired from his joe he started telling me how to cook. He wanted everything cooked the healthy low-fat way. As he looked over my shoulder with instructions, I walked into the living room after telling him it was all his. and he has cooked ever since. An idea for anyone with problems like that.

    Better go for now. Catch you later

  • Hi Max,
    It''s about time I got back to you on here. Your shower sounds just great. I have a new bench with back but no arms... should of thought about that but we have a safety bar all along the wall for the tub & shower then a higher bar for when one is standing in the shower. Sure like it. You both are luck to have such a convenient bath. Our doors are regular size. It would have cost about a little of 7 grand on the 1st bid and about the same on 2nd bid to Pull out the tub and redo the shower wall, Our son built the needed bench and we bought the chair with a back already had one seat in there with no handles but grab bars. We just didn't want to be torn up right now. What KIND of bench do you have? Is is wooden or plasti

    Susan, you must have a lot of different flowers. Must be beautiful
    As far as squirrels, I'll have to check ours out and see if they lost weight. Don't think so.
    Haven't been to BE lately but pie sounds interesting.
    Our dau had lunch at Bera Bread restaurant and enjoyed a chicken salad with various fruit & pecans with poppy seed dressing. She made one for our Sunday night dinner this week. It had strawberries with were wonderful, so far this year, blueberries, fresh pineapple, mandarin oranges,chicken, lettuce........ really good. We are about due for BE and pie.
    We don't get around as much as we did.

    Haven't been to O' Charlie's in ages. It's close to the Italian one and we go there on special occasions it seems ... MY birthday in March was the last and then I got sick again.

    Shelly, July vacation is over time you get back on here. What's new? Know you had a great time with your son & family from Florida. Or was he traveling alone?

    Susan, you find lots of news it seems. Fun to read about you folks. Nice the way you take friends out to eat. It's always more friendly that way.
    You find a lot of improvements to make on your home. Interested in your progress there too.
    And what about the 10 cats? Never did see aa list of all their names.
    It's about time for lunch.
    EVERYONE Be sure to drop in what you think is boring might be of interest
    to us.

  • Celebrated the 4th by taking a shower with the new wide bench that works just fine. The p. Therapist
    worked on the holiday so all worked well.

    the 4th was pretty warm but is cooled to 82 d. by 6 o'clock so was able to have our cookout.

    Dahnell will be back once more to help me find the easiest way to do a few things and then I'll be finished with P. therapy. She is so sweet that I will really miss her.

    I can now get back to taking a nap when I want to.
    Has anyone noticed the changes selling on Ebay? I think it's a real mess. They don't give you a choice
    on the Best Offer. No place to say you don't want to mention that. No place to put length of sale item for BIN.
    It all seems cumbersome to me. Liked the old way myself. What do you folks think?

  • HAPPY 4TH of July, everyone. Today is supposed to be clear so we picked it for our 4th cookout. Will have a mixed grill with family memb.
    Tomorrow should be rainy. Can't win them all.
    Will check in later to see if anyone is talking.
    I noticed there was someone on the Garden board if anyone is interested.
    The Mexican Heather plant that son gave me is still blooming So pretty. Never Heard of it before. Its a pretty blue color.

  • Shelly,
    Your right about things changing day to day. Do they ever????
    Their is one gal that still comes. She showed me how to sa.fely get around in the kitchen. I had it pretty wel figured out but did learn how to open half of a left door bottom cabinet correctly. Then I put some eggs on to boil for potato salad. So part of dinner is ready for tonight.

    Earlier we had 2 of the children here and the other son on the phone from Springfield, va. After I hung up, I turned off the light in the bedroom and blinds were shut so pretty dark when I got out of bed and then I got up and walked to the bathroom without my walker .... did not realize what I had done until I looked fort the walker & it wasn't there. Could not believe it. Shelly, the food in the nursing home/rehab place was so bad I could not eat a lot of it. Take Good cooking any day.

    MAX, Taking the exercise while sitting at the computer is a good idea. They decided to let Danese come for a while longer. She will teach me how to get in and out of the shower without breaking my neck. Hubby and son are working on revising things in bathroom so I can reach the shower safely.

    SUSAN, hope all goes well with the tin roof.
    Gotta go now

    Where is the rest of the gang???????

  • SHELLY, what is it that you are not selling on Ebay? We have things to get rid of too. Will try to make a list of things to get rid of and call the close auction & see what he takes now. Been in business long enough to be picky. At the beginning he said his place could not get the prices that we needed. There is an auction at the Antique Mall building that sells better merchandise. Tomorrow is my last day of rehab. Have 2 people coming for a valuation and that is it. Will be hard to do the exercise without the rehab people here. to remind me.

    Gotta close for dinner time.

    Catch you all later.

  • HiShelly,
    Had an old friend named Loren who Passed away about 2 years ago.
    Have no idea why his name turned up instead of Gordon's, It was 10 o'clock is Loren. Sorry to get his name wrong. Its been awhile. And I always did have a hard time remembering the name because it's unusual.

    Just heard news that the ReHab place I was in, had a fire in one wing today. 26 people evacuated.
    Don 't know what they did with those people,,, , had to send them to another rehab place I imagine.

    Where is everybody?
    Susan, glad to hear about your flowers.
    The rehab place where I stayed was beyond the edge of town and the area is wild like a forest. We saw deer every day. I saw a family of four one day & was really impressed.

    This last heart attacks, plus a stroke and other things like a blocked bowel, has affected more than I thought at first. My walking, sight, hearing, memory plus probably more than that. Walking was a real set back but I'm hanging in there.

    Where is Max always enjoyed hearing from her and all of the others.

    Will get off for now. Have a pleasant Father's day this weekend.


  • Hi Shelly,
    Glad your shop is doing so good.
    The last time I posted my post was short. Someone or something came up quickly, don't remember what.
    Home helper came todsy, We washed my hair. Her hair is beautiful. Long and curly, dark when you first see it and then when tthe sun shines on to it the beautiful auburn color glows. She will be back in a couple of days.
    It's time for bed and a different helper coming tomorrow so I'd better get rested up.

    Reall ripped up a thumb nais getting off of the spfa after my afternoon nap. Must go fix it or it will be worse by morning.
    Take care Irene
    p. s. Loren gets off of here when he is not traveling. He is in one spot now, I think

  • Hello to everyone. Gonna get hot here for next 4 days. Real uncomfortable.
    Been home from Rehab for two weeks. Walking in the house.
    It is either the phone ringing or some nurse or so with walkermeone coming in the door for my workouts etc. They are trying to make me better but at my age it's slow going. Thankful to get this far. Thanks for the good wishes and prayers.

    Still no word from Gordon. He did this one time

  • HELLO,
    JACK IS TAKING WONDERFUL CARE OF ME. He came to the hospitak and rehab afterwards every day from early each morning till time for bed.

    I feel a bit better every day.

    Have 3 bad blockages they cannot fix at my age. It might cause a stroke drs. say.

    Hope all is well with everyone.

    Stephanie came each day from Dayton and back home again.
    She has a son who depends on her 24 seven also.
    He works at nursing home. He is handicaped.


  • Hi everyone,
    at home yesterday --Friday, May 26 from rehab center, Had a heart attack & other problems, Back & forth from hospital stays and the the rehab home to get me up and walking with walker. Wearing oxygen all the time. This has been going on since a couple of days after ny birthday, March 18.

    Stephanie has been going in circles ever since.

    More later I hope. Irene

  • Hello! Irene asked me to say "Hi" to everyone and let you know that she is in the hospital and is doing OK.

    Irene's daughter, Stephanie

  • Been sick. In hospital but home now. Bed feels good, more later.

    Happy Easter everyone. Irene
    Maybe Shelly is on vacation in Florida. She planned to vist her son down there sometime in April.

  • Warmed up today. Had windows open to get fresh air inside.

    Worked a bit on the shop. Took a short nap for some reason was awake almost the entire night. That is very unusual. will Make sure I take all of my pills tonight.

    Another item is missing. It is the 3rd item that appears to be lost in this place. We are doing a lot of searching for things. Finally got to the bottom of the big closet. Nothing there that I'm looking for. Oh dear. Running out of places to look.

    One item is usually under DH collection of important things to file. Hum

  • Shelly, I have it on ebay as possible Belle Doll & Toy Co. Doll or a Sleepy Eye ??

    Wish I knew for sure. Irene

  • Message Body


    I have a doll & I wonder if your can recognize her? I'll add a pic. She is 20" tall & has suntan body, blue eyes real lashes on top lid. Dressed in red pants and blue & white check jacket.

    Would appreciate your help. She looks something like a Madame Alexander but she is marked BAL 20 HH on lower back. Head and leg are also marked HH

    Thanks, Irene

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  • Susan, DH corrected me. He says it's a raccoon. Yuck, that is worse than I figured. I haven't seen it. and don't want to.

    Sunshine today. Don't think I will get much done. Time for a nap.

  • Had a nice day today. Lunch at the Olive Garden with family. Sun just peaked out for a few minutes but it did not rain, which made it easier to get around. Took advantage of the Olive Garden special of buy one take one. (good idea Susan) The place was packed when we arrived but with reservations we got seated right away and excellent service. Daughter baked cupcakes and brought them in. It's nice they allow that. O. Garden gave me a little birthday dessert with one lighted candle & a card signed by all on the staff, which is very thoughtful too. We feel it's a good place to celebrate an occasion.

    It's now about bedtime ..so, will take my current author to bed and read a few pages and wait for the next door possum to roam our backyard. Saw his muddy tracks on the driveway this morning. He lives in the crawlspace of the house next door. They do nothing to board the hole in the foundation, even though we have asked them to several times. And the man & his significant other are expecting a baby --- she may have had it already for all we know. Just haven't talked to either one this cold weather.

    That's all for now.

    p. s. thanks for the birthday wishes. Appreciate your sentiments.

  • Marson, I think I'll try your idea for pizza.... haven't been hungry for the real pizzas we usually got.

    Our snowstorm did not amount to much but it was pretty to look at if you did not have to go out in the cold.
    Will have to go out in the cold tomorrow for an appointment.

    Found a few things in the Kitchen cabinets that I wlll be able to list. Gift items, from years ago, that we really never used. Plus a doll that I remember from our dau. childhood and she does not remember it.
    And she is the one with the really good memory. (funny thing, that she can't remember this doll but it looks somewhat like another doll that she still has.

    Besides working with the above items and such we celebrated our dau.'s birthday over the weekend. It was so nice to get all of the Ohio part of the family together. The rest of the 2 families from Va. will come for Easter etc. They are calling this weather "our last week of winter", hope so. Our magnolia tree is getting ready to flower, if the weather allows. Another Hope so.

    Wonder where Gordon is? and the rest of the bunch? Catcha later. Irene

  • Sunny morning turned to cloudy at dinner time. A few flurries showing up. The forcast is for a bit of snow starting now and lasting overnight and tomorrow. That big storm that is due to move through. DH is heating up the pancakes so this message will be cut short for the time being. Keep warm & well everyone.
    Maybe I'll catch you later on. Finished my 2 novels & will be sorry I did not get library books laid in for the bad weather. Of course there are always magazines to fill in for a short time. Irene

  • Susan, I just pitched the foam rollers but kept the plastic ones in blue and pink. Straight hair seems to be "in".
    The Turkish bedspread measures 144" by 164". Bigger than King or Queen size.
    The author, Dorthea Benton Frank, was born on Sullivan's Island, SC. She now lives in New York but she writes so much about the area she came from and mentions a lot about their Southern food, customs etc. She writes mostly about the people of the South. Family and friends etc. Sometimes a mystery.

    Had to go out today for a test, so ended up at the diner for a beverage & snack. It was so pretty today & some flowers in bloom in our backyard and temp got up to 60F. Looking for some snow tomorrow and much colder for sure. Need a haircut but weather might keep me inside for the day.

    Glad to see everyone posting. Bob, I wish I could post a pic too. I have a Little Red Riding Hood Cookie Jar in my shop. It's smaller than normal, but very cute.

    Well, I'd like to wave to everyone and then sign off for the night. Catch you later, we hope. Irene

  • Hello all,
    Guess I scared you all away.

    p. s. still doing spring cleaning.... boring, I know.

    Gordon, what are you doing? Did it cool down yet?


  • Things went pretty well today. Got up earlier than usual since threethunderstorms awakened DH & he evidently woke me. Got more work accomplished than usual.

    Amazed at how many pairs of socks I have accumulated since I almost never buy them for myself. At one time I gave a bag of my socks to our grandau. Would you believe 2 dresser drawers almost full plus a night stand with one & 3/4 drawers nearly full of year- round and summer socks. No wonder I ran out of space for other things.

    Also have a bunch of plastic hair curlers that I never use anymore. Pitch them or??? look them up on Etsy & see if they sell?

    Guess I will bore you no further with my collection of junk. Does anyone else have the same problem?

    Glad to see everyone posting.
    Shelly, I may have Stephanie help with pictures of the bedspread when she comes next time. The colors are pale green and gold on off white/cream so don't show up well in the pics I took so far. Also, got Mr. Grumpy off my back, so BIG RELIEF there. I just mail to U. S. at present.

    Can't believe the Lenten season is starting already, Time sure flies.
    Guess it's almost an early Spring.

    More later... if I think of something. Irene

  • A busy day here trying to fix some problems on the net, Trying to smooth out the problems. not easy by a long shot Gordon, no matter male or female horribles.

    Interesting conversations about the plantings & flowers.

    Max, the black beans & cornbread sounds so good.
    We had waffles tonight... it's been so long and they tasted good.

    Postponed today's echo gram test until next wee. Dr. just wants to compare the last 2 years.

    Finding some vintage evening purses in bedroom drawer. Used so long ago and just beautiful. Hate to get rid of them

    Also, have a summer bedspread from Turkey that our dau. sent, as a gift to her grandmother about 41 -42 years ago.. Kinda hard to get pictures of that. Well, that is what I'm doing instead of planting flowers or sitting & eating bonbons.

    Ann, nice to see you and also Gordon posting.

    It's time to read but have not picked up my two latest mysteries at the Library. Has anyone read Dorthea Benton Franks's novels. I like the way she writes.

    Time to sign off. Have a good evening all. Irene

  • Storm did not amount to much. Had lightening last night. No snow flurries today as predicted. Having a real pain with a horrible male buyer. Can't believe the headache some people cause. Before this, most buyers are really delightful. This too will pass.... I hope.

    Still working on housecleaning the bedrooms and the kitchen pantry.

    Hope everyone is well and happy.

  • Sunshine here and due for 73F this afternoon. Stormy for this evening and then maybe snow tomorrow. Kinda crazy weather going from summer to winter overnight.

    Coming along pretty good with the BOX of glass I D's. (not all of our glass, Shelly) You must be reading too fast.... slow down. I just work on one box at a time in order to keep things straight. (hopefully)

    Nice to read what every one is interested in.

    Susan, you may have to have
    rat exterminaters come in to take care of the rat situation.

    Got someone coming in so gotta cut this short.
    more later, we hope


    Hello all.

    More beautiful weather here today... reached mid 60s. Same for most of the week, they say.

    Makes one wonder what March will bring. It started out foggy this morning the sun broke trough for rest of day.

    Has anyone tried the Frozen rice with veggies in the pack that you just put the pack in microwave and you have your starch & veggies ready for a meal? So easy to fix. Good with waldorf salad and salmon patties.

    Talk of tomatoes and plants make me ready for Spring.
    Still doing some Spring cleaning in Bedroom and the kitchen pantry.

    Hope all is well with you all. time to sign off for tonight. Irene

  • Hello,
    The weather here has been fantastic. DH got outdoors for a walk & he also cleaned the window shield on the van.
    We drove to the drugstore for a few items and I came across decaf Cofee bags. What will they think of next? I decided to try it for when I'm in a hurry for 1 cup of decaff.

    He invited me out for dinner at the last minute but I took a rain check and I whipped up some tuna salad real fast.

    Yesterday, I got ahold of a box of our glass and took pics, and today took more pics, measured and weighed everything ... took notes and packed it away again. Mission accomplished. All I have to do now is list it.
    DD will be listing items tomorrow afternoon so I may not do mine until Monday.

    Gordon, thank you for your kind remark about my stress test. That was a real big relief to have good results on that test. I go back to Dr. on Monday to see what he wants to check out next. I have been feeling good since I'm home again. Make sure I don't lie down for an hour after eating something.
    Gordon, so glad you have a nice cool place for you and your pets to spend your hot days and nights. Our weather goes back & forth from Spring to winter. With very little snow. We'll take that.

    Gotta take a break for a good movie. Catch ya later, Irene

  • Hello,
    Was in hospital from Sat thru to Mon. after dinner. Stress test came out good. Still don't know what caused my problem. Chest pain & upset stomach, sore throat. Feeling much better... we got some throat spray & it really helps.
    Food at hospital was gourmet so we enjoyed that. Guess you could call it a mini vacation? Gorgeous newish hospital & everyone so nice & helpful. But, glad to get home again.

    I've been sorting through a box of dusty old paperwork. Will wear a mask tomorrow, if I do any more cleaning.
    Trying to go through & get rid of all old paperwork. Have saved greeting cards they are so pretty but just about ready to toss those out also. More later, I hope.. it's time to close this down.

    Belated Happy Valentines to all.

  • O. K. I see the birds pic., Gordon

    Thunder showers for tomorrow. Snow a couple of days later.

    Forgot to mention Wes. Wes, are you looking in?

  • Hello everyone
    Nice sunny day here. Will try to post one or two items. Got the bills paid one more time. Paypal is raising prices again in March. Between that and shipping prices it makes it harder to sell, but we keep on keeping on.

    Max, glad to hear from you. I'm doing fine, Really lucked out this time. Got two books from the library by as I recently read her latest book called Beach House and liked her style of writing. She does romantic novels rather than the mysteries I usually read. As far as eyes, I had been using TEARS NATURAL II but since cataract surgery have been using Bausch & Lonb Muro 128... twice a day. 4 hours apart. but it's hard to get the timing right on the 2nd one. Also the Dr. put me on Eye vitamins called PRESER VISION -- AREDS 2, by the same Company. 2 a day.

    Gordon, at first, I did not look closely to see that you held a bird. Figured it was a camera you were holding. Ha Ha Nice that he was tame. When are you going to print your very own Bird book. I'm sure you have enough great photos of birds & insects.

    Just sold an antique pencil box & have it out for the postman. It goes to Ky. I have a tiny glass flask with carrying case for a lady to post next. Wonder how long it will take to sell that? It's good for freezing cold days at football games.

    Bob, are you out there? Please try to key up & let us know if your O. K.

    Shelly, glad you are sticking with the shop, even though it's a constant job to keep up with. DD, Stephanie came to post some items on Saturday. She cleaned our bathtub while here & did a bit of dusting in the living room. Her dad cooked a nice Italian meal for us that was delish! We ate at BE last night 7 all was fine.... still those dumb drinking glasses.

    Marson & Ann, hope all is well with you.

    Susan, enjoy reading about your comings & goings. And about your pets & their different personalities.

    Time to sign off & get busy.

  • Susan, I thought there was a law that an executor or someone had to make a list of the assets of the estate for the people named in the will., but maybe I'm wrong. Funny, Mr. G. has to check with an attorney (maybe because you got an attorney sending mail, probably scared him into getting one. ha)

    Max, nice to see you post. Wishing you the best with your lung problem.
    We are to get more snow starting tonight. We don't eat at BE as much as we used to but used up a gift card.
    I just got two eggs & toast & coffee.. not much salt there. DH got a larger breakfast with meat, potatoes and eggs. When I went to the Dr., last time, he says I lost 2 lbs. Just eating less does it. I have been having warm milk at bedtime and it works pretty good getting me off to sleep. Have been out of Library books for two weeks.

    Gordon, the x-ray showed no broken bones and the other test showed no blood clots. Yesterday, I had a 4 hour nap but no nap today because of son & dau visiting. Grandau & 2 little ones and our dau are coming for lunch tomorrow if roads allow them to make the trip. (bringing the lunch.) Kids will finally get their Xmas gifts. (they had sickness and operations at Xmas time.)

    Shelly, did you decide to keep the ebay shop for awhile longer?
    We sell a few things on there and they never boost the number of total sales on their report. funny??
    That's about it.
    Take care everyone and watch out for scammers on the phone. Latest is ... If a strange caller asks, "Can you hear me?' that is a scammer.... so hang up and don't answer them. Just got that news a few minutes ago.
    Good night all.

  • We got a little snowfall but it's nearly gone now. More due through Sunday.

    Keep warm & well folks!

    Tests came out just fine. Thank goodness

  • Hello again,
    It's been a fairly good day but cloudy and rainy as per the last few days but due to get winter back /
    Had w-rays taken of arm today to see what is going on... if anything besides the hematoma
    Also, had a doppler/ scan of whole arm and side of neck
    Should get results tomorrow.
    Afterward, stopped at Bob Evans for a little sustenance and ran into a long ago neighbor so had a very nice visit with her. She was so glad to see us that she got up from her seat and gave me a big hug. Such a sweet lady., a minister.
    I need to put the heating pad on my arm 3 times a day and so far managed 2. Still time for another one
    .Catch you all later.

    Shelly, nice pond. We had one a home made from real old stones and had a waterfall. Fish lived all winter, on their own. I think .
    Your son did a good job. on pond and seating

  • Happy Birthday, Gordon

  • Shelly, get on here @ let us know what's up!

  • Max, we are so glad to see you post. Hope to see you on here again soon.

    Wendy, where are you. Are you feeling O. K.?

    Ann, I guess you live in Texas. I try to remember where everybody lives.Hope your new glasses are doing O. K.

    Susan, we wonder what is going on there besides the new porches, Like someone said ... they can see you & bear lined up on the porch with all of the cats plus the dog and the fish. The weather has warmed up here for several days. I don't know how much I will accomplish as I fell flat last night as I got ready for bed. Was carrying something heavy from one room to the next and as I turned down I went. and I landed flat, still trying to hold on to the item. Right upper arm is badly bruised and turned purple. Lower back hurts but i don't think I broke anything. Lucky, I did not hit my head as I was in the carpeted hallway close to the door frame but clear of it.
    But, at the age of going on 94... falls are a no no. I do try to be so careful. Darn it.
    I hope nothing develops out of this. Several years ago, I had a fall in the kitchen it took 3 days for my left leg to decide not to work so I could walk and it took months on a walker etc. Don't want to think about it.

    On the happy side we are planning a birthday party for our youngest son. It won't be till later this month here at home. We Hope.

    Can't believe it's been several days since Susan posted. What's new Susan?

    DH made a Lemon Poppy Seed cake from a mix and wanted to know if it was bread or cake? He used a bread pan so we called it bread. Was very tasty. The spice cake he made last week did not do so well. He melted the butter sub. in the microwave and then forgot to put it into the cake. What a surprise when he opened the microwave & found it after the cake was baked. Had to laugh. We ate it with something moist on top. ha ha
    Hello to everyone and all of the lurkers.
    P. S. Sold a piece of antique glass. Went to Calif.

  • Hello all,

    The ice storm wasn't too bad here. Didn't arrive until 10am the day after it was due at 7pm. some folks to the west of us got the full brunt of it. We had a light coating on the roads but roads were treated.

    Max, Ann and Susan.... glad to see your postings.

    I am trying to take it easy on the cookies they are so tasty but kinda manage it by eating less other food. Had lost 2 more pounds when I saw the Dr. last week DH, Jack is gaining a little bit.

    Had a really great sale this weekend.

    sold something for $285 but don't want to say what it was right now. maybe later. Got it packed to go when the P. O. opens again on Tuesday, Seems like every weekend there is a Monday holiday.

    I have been working on an antique piece of clear glass that has a few black specks on it. Wonder what would be the best thing to remove the specks or does old glass just do that with age?

    What is everyone into since the holidays? A bit early to think of Spring even tho the temps will be Springlike next week for a day or two. Good time to take down the outdoor lights.

    I imagine the stores are showing the Spring Clothes already. That's what they do after the winter sales.

    Wanted to get a new winter coat but my gift of a hat matches my coat I have, so might as well forget that.

    Gordon, where did you go? Thought I saw you out here somewhere.
    Shelly, you are missing.

  • Hello Gordon
    I lost a post again. Was trying to add a picture and it did not work out. Also, I wanted to ask for information on a Folk Art Hand Carved wood & cloth dancing couple about 5.5" tall.. I think perhaps they once 'lived' on top of a music box. They are more finely carved than most found on ebay and Ruby Lane.
    There was an auction yesterday and I won an item..... a Buddy L pick up truck. It dates to the 60s or 70s. Years ago we saw an early Budd L truck at an Antique Mall. It was the real deal... an antique one for very low price and we could not believe our eyes ... when we went back to get it, it was gone. no surprise there.
    We are expecting freezing rain starting about 7pm this evening. Really hope and pray we don't lose power. It is supposed to last until about 1am tomorrow (Saturday) DH, jack, just laid in a few groceries, gassed up the car while I baked Date-nut bars. A very rich cookie that I did not make over the holidays.
    I put clean sheets on the bed and if necessary we can stay in bed and eat cookies till things thaw out.
    EVERYONE Have a good day and keep warm out there.

  • Well, lost my post.
    Gordon, Hugo is looking for his gift, I think. Know you had one somewhere.

    Susan, what kind of fruitcake does Bear like best?
    WE have a 1lb. one by CLAXTON that our Son & wife sends to us every year from Va. We both like it. It's an old Southern recipe since 1910, so no doubt you've heard of it.

    'Twas a cold, windy day with worse weather to come tomorrow. But, the sun was shining & the 2 doctors we visited were smiling and friendly. (nurses were blowing their noses & sneezing.. (said it was allergies) Got a good report on both of us. And celebrated by dining out.
    Will feel good to stay indoors tomorrow.

    Not much other news. Everyone keep safe & healthy.

  • "Rainy Night in Georgia", would make a good title for a movie or a novel.
    I'm kinda goofing off today. When I finish lunch will try to read my new novel.

    The sun is shining brightly today. Should walk around the yard & look for fireworks litter. Neighbor on back street aims fireworks at our house instead of on his own street. I missed quite a bit of sleep because of the noise and the possability he might set our house on fire.

    That's all of the news for now. Shelly, we just make our salmon patties the regular way.... no peas added. We put peas in Chicken ala King, which we had after the salmon and then Sauerkraut & pork for good luck.

    Gordon, good pictures of everyone and Easy.

    Happy New Year Everyone

  • Hi everyone, It's Thursday evening & the week is going pretty fast. Dau. Stephanie was here & posted 5 things in the shop and then we visited for awhile. Her brother was here yesterday and showed us how to use the new shipping labels they gave me for Christmas. Really nifty. No longer have to trim & paste labels. And tomorrow will be the grandau. & two little ones, coming to town, if the weather permits. Then, that should be it until ? the next visitor, I imagine.

    Got the gifts put away but still a few boxes to pitch into the trash bin. Had salmon patties, green beans & mashed potatoes for dinner. Tasted pretty good for a change.
    Still a lot of Cookies and fruit cake left, so will not make a Dr. check up appointment until maybe next week. ha

    What's new out there?
    Nice to see Wes... it's been awhile. Merry Christmas a bit late! We like to keep celebrating for a week or so, too.

    Gordon, good that you had Christmas with friends. I agree that Xmas is for kids.
    Don't forget to post some pictures.

    Time for Dr. Martin rerun. Waving to everyone

    Wrote a post this afternoon & forgot to hit the right button, I guess.

    Happy that everyone had a good Christmas.

    So glad to see Max on here. Wish I had your address Max.

    We had family here at the house after a lovely family luncheon out on Christmas eve day.

    Great grand kids & their mom will be coming next Friday. They could not make it last weekend because of illness in their family.

    We touched 66F today. Sunshine for tomorrow and Wed. Have things to do like library and a couple others errands.

    Catch ya later.

  • Merry Christmas Everyone.

  • Hello,
    Nice sunny day here & ATT was here from 11am till afternoon installing UVERSE.

    SUSAN, like Shelly said, call your Attorney General's office for the State of Georgia, explain the problem you have, and ask if they can help you. and they will tell you what to do.

    The more we try to straighten up for Xmas the more things there are setting around it seems. I think we will have to insist to one of our children that we can no longer store hisr belongings in the basement or the garage. We need the space for our own storage that increases with packing materials etc. Such is life.

    I hear that our little great grand dau is sick today. Hope she does not have anything contagious. It could put a real damper on Christmas.

    Have done no wrapping but will take advantage of a few gift bags & white tissue for that.

    There are very few people with outdoor lights on our street. One house across the street is really done up with the whole house lighted from top of roof.... all the way. Very nice. Another down the street always does a nice display with reindeer & a ladder by a tree. Don't know what the ladder is for.... will go by again and see.

    GORDON, thanks for posting & letting us know the bad guys did not get you!
    Have a Merry Christmas in Australia. Will you go "home" to your hometown for Xmas?

    SHELLY, How did you make out with your procedure? You are kinda quiet.

    Waving to everyone else. Irene

  • Susan, you never did say if your aunt's house was sold.

  • Susan, I know what you mean about VA hospitals. My Jack is a veteran of WW II. He would have to travel to Dayton, Ohio for VA care.... only about 50 miles round trip... but he chose to use local Doctors and local hospital. We get care when we need it.

    We are due for an ice storm tonight. S'pose to have freezing rain all night long.

    Went out this afternoon to do a bit of last minute shopping and then ate dinner out.
    The streets were clear but still some slippery spots to watch out for in the shopping mini malls parking lots.. It was just getting dusk so got to see some outdoor lights
    on the way home.
    Tomorrow it's to get about 50F and then turn cold again. Hope to read a couple of pages of my book tonight. Hope we don't lose electric. Catch you later.

  • Susan, it would be a good idea to check Bear's blood pressure as it doesn't sound as if they gave him a physical at the VA.. Did you tell the Dr. about his falls? He really should be checked at a hospital before he falls & really hurts himself. We have places here, besides the hospital, called Urgent Care, where one can go for emergency treatment and it is very convenient. Do you have anything like that in Ga.? Blood pressure and other things can cause falls also.

    Shelly, belated happy birthday. And many more.
    The book I'm currently reading is about two sisters keeping in touch by letter writing.
    Parts of the book are boring, but not long until the next chapter.
    We still have frigid weather so staying indoors. Much to keep me busy. Not too much time to read. Plan to bake another batch of cookies and decorate the living room.

    Don't know if the mailman came yet but there is a box to be picked up & it's already past 4:30 pm

    Where is Gordon? Out chasing more thieves??? I agree he could write a "thriller". Get busy, Gordon!

  • Good morning,
    Had our first real snowfall of the season; it was just beautiful. Also a very cold night & morning. Decided to cancel the Dr. checkup because of the fierce weather. Guess I will just putter around here & try to accomplish something towards Christmas.

    Shelly, I do have a few new library books but nothing too exciting.
    Did you enjoy your trip?

    Susan, how did bear make out at the Dr. office?

  • Gordon, they liked the ten tenors. They announced that 2 of the tenors were new.

    As far as your escapades, you better watch out.... camping that way in remote spots can get you killed pretty quickly. Did the dogs not bark with the men trying to get into your Camper?

    Things are rather quiet on here. People getting ready for the holidays no doubt.
    Why don't you give yourself a Christmas present and go to a regular camping place where it is safe? Your pets would be a lot happier too.

    Must get off of here and try to get some things finished. Made Xmas cookies with a cookie press yesterday. little Xmas trees and snow flakes.

  • Susan, so glad you found the keys.
    Cloudy here today with snow expected. It's almost lunch time. Glad we don't have to go anywhere.
    Have some pumpkin pie on hand so we are all set for the day.
    Got tickets for grandson & his mom to see the "Ten Tenors". They were performing here in town last night. They are from Australia. Haven't heard how they liked them.
    It was a Xmas present. Did not have to wrap it. ha ha
    Still sorting through boxes to check & make sure we know where everything is.
    How are sales for you & Bear? We are doing O. K. so far. Xmas is getting close now.
    Today is our oldest son's birthday. Will give him a call and sing Happy Birthday.
    more later, we hope.

  • Susan, have Bear drink plenty of water and get checked at the Dr/ When my Jack fell twice they found he was dehydrated and had pneumonia & ended in the hospital after 2 falls close together. Don't wait.

  • Hello everyone
    Ann, so glad everything is working out for your daughter and she will get it all behind her.
    As far as Christmas is concerned, it seems that we will be having a Christmas Eve brunch also. At least I hear that is what's decided for this year. We still have things to do to get ready and the time is approaching fast as usual. The weather is getting even colder tomorrow and a chance of rain and then some snow they say. Time to put the lining into my winter coat.
    GORDON, are are you doing? O K, we hope.
    Waving to Max and Shelly.

  • Susan,
    Years ago we were invited to a cocktail party given by one of our Dr. The food was not health and the Dr. was a Cardiologist. Guess there is not much variety for a cocktail party.
    I'm still working on Inventory. Had someone visit every day this week so got little done except mailing packages.
    I know this next couple of weeks will fly by so should send a few cards & packages to family etc.
    May take a quick look at tv. Out of good reading material. Library tomorrow.

  • Hi,
    Finally found the misplaced item. It was in the storage room in a box but wasn't listed.
    Going to redo my system. And recheck everything,

    Got the outdoors all lighted up but not the indoors yet. Been too busy.

    Something seems to get goofed up on a regular basis anymore. Yesterday the garage door went off of it's track and today the printer was acting crazy. Would print Giant shipping labels even tho I scheduled it for medium to small. Nothing goes right sometimes. I tore into the storage room and really made a mess that I will have to put back together tomorrow. No rest for the wicked.

    Guess that is about it for now.
    What is going on our there? Everyone dozing at the computer?

  • Hello everyone.
    Susan, glad to hear you got some rain. The fires and high winds in the Smoky Mountains are just terrible... 3 lives lost.
    It was in the 50s this morning but warmed up. I spent most of the morning and part of the evening looking for an item I sold. For some reason it does not appear in my inventory ... can't believe I overlooked recording it when I listed it. St. Anthony is no help so far, he must be on vacation. lol

    We have been pretty busy shipping things. Sent a small green Xmas tree to New York City today. That was so much fun. It goes to a little apt. on Fourth Ave. I hope the lady enjoys it. We received that & another tree from our son John & his wife on our 50th wedding anniversary. I wrote & told the lady about that & how happy I am to have it go to N. Y. I have the feeling that the buyer is a young Irish girl.
    Susan, I presume that you did not find your keys yet. One summer Our son John lost his billfold right before leaving on a trip abroad. He had to take care of so much right before leaving on a trip abroad. I felt he would find it but it took 2 weeks. When they
    returned, he found it where they get out of their car in the driveway, It had been knocked up under the wooden deck on the back of their home. Yes, he prayed to St. Anthony. So sometime it takes time.

    Gordon, hope you recoup quickly. Was it one of those home the same day deals?
    It's getting about time for bed. The last few evenings we enjoyed Andrae Rieu and the big fund raiser show they put on every year, This one was filmed in the Netherlands .
    One of the sopranos was a young blond girl from Australia. Did not catch her name but she had a magnificent voice.

  • Susan, Why not try this to find your lost keys. It's a Catholic thing but you don'thave to be Catholic to say it. It's a prayer to St. Anthony. The Saint who helps you find lost articles. Why not try it bebor going through all of the leaves?

    Say. "Sr. Anthony, St. Anthony turn around.... something is list and it must be found" and he will help you find it. It might take awhile but we always find what we are looking for. Give it some time.... a week or so and you will find it. Sometimes it works right away.

    A rather quiet day today. We had Thanksgiving dinner early so someone in our family can leave for Florida tomorrow. Niece & her family are already at Disney down there.

    Last week I could not find a sold item. I recorded the boc # it was supposed to be in. Dau. looked not there, I looked not there. I prayed to St Anthony and in a little while he reminded me I had added it to a box within a box. So, he saved the bell again.

    In the morning I have another dental appt. He is still checking to get the fit so it does not rub anywhere. It's harder for me than I expected. He said to read allowed from the newspaper to get use to talking with all of that in my mouth. I don't see how people wear a full set of dentures but they get used to them. Dentist says it's like learning to walk. Not too many my age are learning to do that.

    I guess Gordon must be seeing the sights as we don't hear from him very much. Or maybe he has a buy social life, huh? whichever.

    Max, we keep thinking of you also. Hope you got over the flu. We finally had a hard freeze so maybe the mosquitoes are all dead by now in our cold climate. We had a few flurries last weekend but that's all of the white stuff so far.

    we did not have to cook the last 3 days. Kinda nice for a change.
    Take care everyone.

  • Hello,
    Susan, we will have to try O'Charley's again before long. It's about 6 miles round trip so we have a tendency to eat at closer spots. We eat very little red meat but could try something else. I liked the atmosphere the last time we ate there& got good service.

    We are having an early Thanksgiving here at home. Trying to clear the table where I have business clutter & got most of it cleared today & the living room dusted. Shelves with bric-a-brac & china take time.

    The weather was warm today up to70 degrees but I really didn't get to enjoy itexcept I had the front & back doors open from noon until 6pm. It's to turn cold and probably have snowflakes by the weekend. Hope the roads don't get slick.

    Nice that you made the trip and loaded up on cat food. We know they will enjoy that.

    Yesterday Jack & dau., Stephanie finished up a project on the cement entry into the garage outback where there was a crack. They mended that. Have been working on that off & on it over the last 2 weeks.

    I've worked like mad on my Etsy Store and the more I work the more our dau. sells. go figure. I sold one little new item on Ebay. You just about have to give things away on eBay. I read on the net that they are getting away from auctions. Did they finally learn that folks don't want to wait for an auction to end? They want the item now & they are looking for NEW items on there.

    I haven't checked Facebook for a few days, so don't know what's new up there. Too much political talk for me up there.

    That's about it. Time for my late snack. Outta of something to read. Have 2 books on hand.... one too raw and one not my style either.

  • Good morning,
    Up earlier than usual. Wanted to paste something that I have a copy of but the "paste" won't work. Also, haven't been able to use our email feature for sometime. The only way I can message our dau. is to use the return mail feature. All of these problems but no reduction on the bill, as you already know.

    Susan, tell Bear we said Happy Belated Birthday! And many more. We haven't been to O Charley's in years, what is good there these days?
    That is really weird about your Outback, very upsetting.
    We had a plumbing problem on Friday. The shower fixture broke and it came right off of the wall. DH went to the hardware store & started to fix it. He is good about fixing almost anything.

    Shelly, like Susan said.... try to find a computer at the library ... we will want to know how much fun you are having. You earned it!!!! Good going on the perfume bottle.
    I have one with painted flowers and a blue atomizer.. have no idea what it is so will have to search for one like it or similar.

    Dau & grandson came yesterday & raked leaves with DH. She brought home made pulled pork & it was delicious. DH was to pick up a pumpkin pie but forgot to so we went without dessert but there is always cookies in the jar. Dau., Stephanie, brought some Xmas ornaments to show me. They are really extra large and made of shiny plastic that shine like glass. They are for a tree outdoors. Would really be pretty.
    She plans to put them in the shop as soon as she gets them written up & pics. She finds the best things.

    Max, hope you, Bob and your dau. are feeling much better. I am thinking about you
    and wishing you the best.

    Gordon, enjoy your days in the mountains. A very beautiful place to be in the summertime. Don't forget to wear your hiking boots. Did your feet get back to normal?

    Time to get off of here & have my 2nd cup of coffee..
    Hello to Marson, Ann and everyone looking in.

  • Good morning,
    The sun is shining brightly this morning after the temp dropped to 29F last night.
    Had a very enjoyable anniversary party at the local hotel dining room last night hosted by our middle son and wife.

    Will have to get busy and clear off the end of the large kitchen table & get it ready for Thanksgiving as we are going to celebrate early this year.

    Susan, after several visits to our regular dentist I can expect the results at any time now. This Dentist is into nature and is especially interested in birds and flowers and his offices are filled with beautiful nature pictures he has taken & developed himself.

    Can't believe that we are so close to the holidays. Guess it's because of the unusual weather. We will have a chilly weekend and then a warming trend again next week.

    Hope all are well and looking forward to the holidays.

    Shelly, when do you leave for Texas? Have a safe trip.

  • Gordon, that is really funny.
    Besides, I'm not watching. Will just wait and see.
    What have you been up to this month? Is it starting to warm up over there?

    Shelly, it's a good feeling having the Christmas lights on the outdoor shrubs this early.
    Men just finished up this afternoon. Probably won't light them until Thanksgiving unless it snows before that. Been a busy week here. Three Dr. appointments in one week is too many. The Dentist on Monday. Other Dr.Appt Wed and Thur And then our 72nd Wedding Anniversary on Friday. Makes me tired just thinking about it.

    We have not started the Xmas shopping and can't decide if we are going to shop.
    Maybe a lot easier to give money this year & let them buy what they can use.

    Max, hope you and your family are feeling much better. Try to rest as much as you can.

    Waving Hello to everyone else.

  • Max, so glad to see you post.
    Sorry to hear that you are sick from flu and can't get to the Dr. office. We have what they call Urgent Care offices near us that are open until 8pm and a Dr. present.
    Do you have such a thing in Florida? You really should try to get checked. Good thing you got the pneumonia shot.
    Will put you, you hubby, Bob and your dau. on my prayer list. Hope & pray that you all feel better soon. Does DD have flu also?
    We used to vacation at Pompano Beach in the springtime for many years.

    Gordon, don't you just hate it when you lose a long post? I do. The last time I did copy & paste because post would not go. and then even that would not go. So go figure?
    The World Series is over and our ;favorit team lost. It was a tie at 9 innings and went into overtime. We went to bed tired and did not see the last run that decided the game. Oh well. Chicago had some great pitchers. (but so did the Indians)

    Susan, it's been awhile since you asked but hubby's arm is healed enough to go without the bandage. Took about 3 weeks to heal, thanks for asking.
    Did Bear bag anything? Did he make it home O. K.?

    Shelly, you must be busy keeping up with the store. Nice you have a trip planned. Our son is into woodworking and I have a list of 2 things he is looking for if your interested in picking tools. I have the description and values (new) but he wants used ones to save money.

    Marson, we had a huge Fushia plant hanging from one of our trees and DH decided he did not want to store it again this winter so our son came today and hauled it to his SIL home & she will store it for us for the winter. He & DH also stored the patio furniture in our garage for the winter.

  • Marson, I too want to get the decorations put up outdoors this week. The weather is warm, sunny and just fantastic.

    Max, if you are out there please let us know that you are O.K.

    Hello to Gordon & all of the other potties.

  • My last post did not go and then I lost it.

    Gordon, the Cleveland Indians won last night 1 to 0. I am rooting for them because they are an Ohio team. Great pitching on both sides.

    Today is a bit overcast so far, but sun just broke thru at 11:30am Sat. Jack is out in the backyard doing his thing. He got a new stick kinda tool to pick up small limbs, brush etc. So, he is in his element. The trees have been slow to turn because of the extra warm fall and we still have Indian Summer to go.

    I guess you are just having Spring down there.
    Can't figure out what happened to Max and Susan. Maybe they are unable to post too.
    It's time I got busy around here so catch you all later.

    Marson, I hope you had a nice birthday.
    Waving to everyone.

  • Where is everybody?
    The Series has started so Jack is watching the game and I'm fooling around on the computer. Dau. sold another item today so it keeps me busy trying to keep the inventory up.
    She & her son Brendan have been searching for boxes that will fit some of our larger items. She has a friend that works at a retail shop and she has provided us with all kinds of boxes and packing materials. Just hard to find a place for it all.

    This morning the plumber? came and installed our new 40 gal hot water heater. The old one went kaput. Wonder what will 'go' next? He still has to come
    & get the old one.
    The weather has been much cooler & the trees are turning. Too bad this season is so short, it's just beautiful.

    We went back to Cracker Barrel this past Fri. for dinner & there were droves of people coming and going. Don't know how they manage to take care of everyone as fast as they do. Keep dishes warm & food hot and tasty. I got the kids menu Shrimp & it was all I could eat. Tried their lemonade with it and it was so sour the waitress brought me extra water and a glass of ice too. All of their help is so friendly. No wonder they do such a large business. Talked to a gentleman who just came in from Calif. He said it was 96 degrees out there.

    Shelly, Hope your hubby is doing better.
    One thing, mine always thanks me when I wait on him or change his bandage. We take care of each other & are glad to do it. But, we neither one overdoes the need, if you know what I mean. We are both pretty independent, as far as we can be when on the sick list.
    Shelly, good going on the new shop on eBay. What is selling for you? Where do you get so many shoes? Are they new?
    Max, hope you are still out here. Also Susan, Marson. Bpb, Ann, Gordon and all the others too.
    Gonna sign off for now.

    Well, what is everybody doing besides getting ready for cold weather.

  • Gordon, I've heard that we have magpies in the southern states but that's the first time I've heard of their being here in the U.S. Imagine it takes some doing to avoid them.

    This year is the first time I've heard of Stint bugs. They are round and brown and can really make a stink. If they get into the house they try to hide where they can't be found. We have had several on the back screen door and on the front porch but we've managed to keep them outdoors so far.

    One managed to get inside our dau's house and it hid but she found it & put it back outdoors again. They make a terrible stink if you kill the,.

  • Gordon, I played the tape after writing. I read where the magpies go for the eyes. Scary

  • Gordon, very cute idea and it works.

  • Rainy day here. We need the rain. Last night we had thundershowers which are unusual in October.

    Have been busy working two days straight posting in the shop. Takes a lot of work, as you all already know.

    Got Xmas stuff all over the place, plus Halloween & one Thanksgiving item. Time is rolling around. Have to find a new place to put this stuff.

    Dau,. Stephanie, came yesterday to clean our living room furniture and carpet. That saves me having to do it. Yeah!

    DH is at the eye Dr. Hope he gets a good report.

    Have a box of books to get rid of guess we will drop them off at St. Vincent dePaul one day soon. Also, some new magazines.

    Enjoy reading everyone's news.

    ANN, hope things go well for your daughter.

    SHELLY, Don't be a stranger.

    GORDON, we had an article in the local paper about the problem Australia has with magpie attacks in Sept. and Oct. Well, it will soon be over... over there.

    MAX, are you on the Gulf Side?

    that's all folks!

  • Well, it looks as if it's working tonight.
    Have some time before Antiques Roadshow comes on.

    The Dayton, Ohio news had an article in this weekend that said Antiques are not selling and probably never will because younger generation wants to take "selfies" and that's it. Well, well, an antique is supposed to be over 100 yers old and I have little that's that old so perhaps we still have a chance to still download our collection of things. Will probably take a bit longer. Today I sold 1/2 doz porcelain roses that I hardly used. Have no idea of age but definitely Vintage. They went to the state of Maine. DD sold a special kind of ladies belt and buckle & it went to Texas. Well, it keeps us busy trying to keep up on the stock in the shop.

    We have most of the chores finished outdoors. Just furniture to store before Halloween. The weather here has been just gorgeous! Wish the kids? were here from Virginia. They took a trip to Spain since they were here last Spring.

    Max, do you live on the Gulf side of Florida?
    You asked about my reading. Just finished a novel that was kinda boring by a new author for me. Will have to go back to some of the lady authors that I like.

    Know what you mean about BE. Those jars are back and we so dislike them. Prices are up. We have gone to Cracker Barrel the last couple of times. DH got the Sweet Ham & reall liked it. Found their breakfast eggs are perfect. DD get just one so I tried it with biscuits... last time I ordered off of kid's menu and said "two biscuits" and it was only $3 something. They say senior citizens can order off of there. I don't eat much.... have lost 6 pounds in last few months. Pants are a bit loose. Have a whole box of nearly new pants that I've kept & hoped to get back into. I'm on my way. Just a couple more pounds, Speaking of food, our DD brought us a jar of pumpkin butter. First I've heard of that. Pretty good for a change.

    I've been keeping up on all of the news each day but don't get around to posting.

    DH fell 2 weeks ago and I've been busy changing the bandage on his underarm. He was working near the neighbor's chain link fence and tore him underarm on that. 2 and 1/2 hours at urgent care. Well is better now but he did lose a patch of skin & had a tetanus shot.

    About TV time.... catch ya later
    Gordon our paper had an article about Australia. Will get back to you later.

  • et's see if this goes first!

  • Wrote a post & then it would not go so lost it

  • Hello everyone,
    Today the sun is shining brightly and I am loving it. The temps have dropped quite a bit since yesterday. Really feels fallish. Family is still busy preparing the outdoors for winter.
    There are always more chores than one could imagine. The past week has gone pretty fast. Most of my chores are indoors. And of course they never stop, just repeat themselves.
    Glad to see so many posting.
    Wonder where Shelly is?
    Catch you later... it's Past my lunch time here.
    Good luck and good health to everyone.

  • Have a bit of time before Dr. Martin comes on so will try to drop a line or two. It was such a beautiful day here today & everyone was wearing shorts at the the restaurant and just one guy in shorts at the Dr. office.
    The driveway has a new coat of blacktop and the garage door has a new coat of paint.
    Once the eaves on the house are cleaned we will be ready for fall.
    Stopped at the library to pick up some new books. They are brand new issues ... just came in. I'll be very careful with them, they are beautiful.
    I've been busy working on items to sell but just decorations for fall & stuff like that. Nothing big or expensive. DD has a few expensive items listed.

    Guess I'll have to make another appt. with the dentist. Still having trouble with getting rid of the tooth pieces still in the gums.

    Shelly, so glad to hear your DH is O. K.

    Max. BE has the jars back. They changed their bean soup receipt & price. Over 3.50 a cup of soup. They put more onions in and no ham whatsoever. What is the world coming to?

    Gotto go & get something done before T V time.

  • Hello pottery people
    Wonder what is going on in the pottery field these days. Have listed a few pieces but they don't seem to be going anywhere. What is "hot" these days? Does anyone know.
    I've been looking through they hundreds of Xmas items on Ebay and Etsy & there is sure a big variety to choose from already. Saw where 18' Xmas trees run around a thousand dollars. Wow Glad I don't need one of those.
    All I want for Xmas is my 4 front teeth. If I wasn't so old (as the dentist says) I'd get transplants. Dog gone it.... I must go back and get a good size sliver of tooth removed from my healing gums. Hate to have tgums torn up again. Oh, well, I guess that's life. Too bad it was not done right in the first place. For the tune of $790.-- you would think so. Gordon, I'll ask him about the warmed pain killer for gums.

    We have had 4 days of rain and dark skies so will be very ready for sunshine.
    Need to take a few pics when it brightens up.

    Just think, I'm missing the news. Well guess I'll go and have an after dinner coffee. Bye

  • Shelly, good luck with Terry's test. tell him not to worry!

  • Hello to everyone.
    Eldest son sent us a Cuisinart Smart Stick blender that we are having fun with.
    I'm taking several days off this week and just reading and resting. Kind of a mini vacation. Not having family in over the weekend.

    Another beautiful sunny day. DH says the end of the very hot days.
    They say this was the hottest summer ever. I can believe that.

    Haven't checked the new programs for this fall on TV. Guess Poldark (the movie) is on tonight.

    Someone mentioned chocolate..... love it, especially if it's dark. But, it no longer agrees with me. Now, one of my favorites for everyday is Oatmeal cookies with Cinnamon.

    Not much news is there?

  • I am into a good book. Catch you maybe tomorrow. Have a good weekend.

  • Max, I can't say how glad I am to see you. Just wondered, two days ago if someone could reach you?
    It will soon be time to move the herbs inside. Would like to get small bottles to bottle them. But, I'll never be able to use them all.
    I am on the sidelines today. Had 4 front teeth pulled yesterday. He had to dig them out as they broke off to the gums. The needles went into the roof of my mouth. On a liquid diet for awhile. then some Cream of Wheat before bed. Slept good. Dr. wore me out.
    Last weekend we had a brunch for son's birthday , Breakfast at Cracker Barrel was good.. Plate and food were warm and food well cooked. Appreciate it when food is really warm.

    Took the day off from working on the shop and may continue until stitches are out. Have string like feeling hanging down in my mouth. He could have trimmed it for me but mouth was stuffed with gauze and I did not know stringy stuff was there.

    Shelly, let us know how Terry makes out

    Time to take pills and do other things to my mouth.
    more later.

  • Hope this board gets busy again.

    Guess everyone is busy

    Susan is a dependable member so she will probably be checking in again soon. Susan, did they ever get your aunt's house cleaned out? and ready to put on the market? that would hold things up, no doubt. How many months has it been so far ? Sometimes it takes a year or soto settle an estate.

    I really have nothing new to report. Weather man said our current temps should run in the 70s. Very nice.... fall-ish. Got a dab of painting done today. A couple of window frames.... so all are newly painted now. Trying to keep the property looking nice inside and outside.
    Catch you all later, we hope.

  • About the same here except it's cooled down quite a bit. Sunshine today.

    Got grass cut yesterday. Nephew, Daughter & grandson visited with us after Tommy cut the grass. It was his 17th wedding anniversary today.

    DD took some pictures of some small items we plan to post this week in the shop.. She re ran her Disney item on ebay. That's about it for now.

  • Shelly, could you please give me the url for the EAPG on Facebook. Somehow mine got erased. thanks

    Gordon, your stay at the cattle station sounds interesting. How did you enjoy the smell?
    My first experience with cattle was in Sioux City, Iowa at the stockyards where DH worked in the office. That was a rude awakening.
    Glad you are getting around and seeing new areas. Would not like all that driving to school bus. The drive I used to make to take 3 kids to school was at times 3 times a day was 6 miles round trip in all kinds of weather. And then, for a year or 2, also had 2 neighbor children in the car.

    We are having summer weather again. Managed to get the herbs trimmed and dried on paper plates. They dry fast in the air conditioning.

    Ann, about your bird problem.... we use a portable canopy deal over one of our tables & benches .....when we entertain... it cost less than $50. on sale. It has 4 legs but
    would not work too well if permanent, because of wind problem.

    Time to break for lunch.
    Catch you on the flip side.

  • Our picnic was here at our house today and weather was beautiful. Food was delish.

    School is in session already. Can't believe it's Sept. already. It got up in the 80s today but was comfortable on the patio for our cookout and dining as we ate a bit later than usual.

    Nothing else to report for the day.
    Shelly, why not ask the Dr. about the delay if you are worried. I would ask for an earlier date for the test.

    I have to wait 3 weeks for the dentist
    because they only work in this city 2 days out of the week. New ways of doing things.... spread themselves around.

  • Have a nice weekend everyone.

  • Gordon, I was thinking of the Night Before Xmas Mouse

    Where are you camping now? Or are you on the move again?

    Shelly, it takes a lot of prayers. Think positive.

    Susan, hope you both are feeling better. Enjoy hearing about your comings and goings. And the animals. Lawns are green again here. And a cool spell for the weekend.

  • Starting today I have been unable to send emails. Emails have come in since 7:30.
    Called the provider but have not got it straightened out yet. Hope they soon get it fixed.

    Got new microwave installed. Will see what happens tomorrow.

    Did everyone quit this board?
    Or can't you get out either?

  • Hello,
    Things are quiet as a mouse right now. Had a bit of excitement earlier.
    DD & grandson, Bren came earlier to spend the day. Mid afternoon the sky turned black and the wind picked up (it was over 90 degrees at the time) Right before that Bren decided to take a walk around the block, so his mother jumped in the car & went after him as the storm was coming fast. When they got back, they came running inside & she was very upset, said she just saw a cloud going round in circles. We all rushed to the basement until it was over. Trees were down and power out in some parts but ours stayed on.
    We said a prayer on the way to the basement, you can be sure. Now, all is well.

    We repacked a couple of storage boxes & got rid of most of the clutter. Just have 2 very small items I need to stow away in the right box.

    We had dinner together and then they headed for home. About 30 miles away.
    That's all folks!

  • Every time I turn around another weekend is coming up. Guess next weekend is the Holiday weekend.

    All kinds of Dr. appts checkups this week for DH and one for me. Now we can just relax.
    That's it for now.

  • Tornadoes in Indiana and Ohio line. Sky looked yellow tonight to the SW. Not the whole sky.... just part of it.

    Ordered a G E microwave. Anyone have one?

  • Hello,
    Just busy here.. no time to write much.
    Coffee maker went on the fritz.... also the microwave, after 33 years. Old microwave that matched the kitchen has been torn from the wall and space is waiting for a replacement. One that fits and goes with our colors.
    Had the brakes fixed on the Ford Wagon.
    Wonder what is next to be redone. Hope that will be it for awhile.

  • Gordon, I'll look for that next time at the Mall. Thanks

  • Lost my whole message.

    Will try again later

    It's clouding over so maybe more rain. We got very little so far.

    Gordon, nice ID for HUGO Who makes them?

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