• Good Evening Potties, My plants think that all this rain is just wonderful. If they could make noise, I would hear big sighs of oohs and aahs every time I go out doors. Despite the colder weather, I have some geraniums in pots that used to hang on the side porch, now nestled beside a low growing bush by my mailbox. They are so protected that they are still blooming their heads off. Beautiful things and so we have just left them there as they are so happy. Other things have perked up since the drought is over. We lost some things this summer and the trees seemed to suffer a little but over all things seem to be back to normal.

  • Or what was your first set of dishes like. Mine were Fiesta and they were given to me by a family member. We also had a partial set of light green Fire King glass for everyday use. We had great glasses that once held peanut butter and jelly. Welches Grape I think. We had plastic covers with rubber elastic around the edges that looked like a shower cap that we put over left overs we kept in the ice box...then a frig.

    I got a lot of things extra that I needed from the Salvation Army. We were one of their best customers for my DH was working 40 hours per week and going to night school. That was another life. I had a job too. So very long ago.

  • Gee Wes, I miss the messages too. I am trying to think of what is going on in our lives that would be of interest to anyone else. Sigh, I think we are just very quiet. I know that I can talk if someone asks a question, so that would be a start. Everyone ask some questions and then everyone else try to add their 2cents worth. I would be interested.

    I was asked recently what was the make of the first car that we owned. It was a 1940 Buick and I think that we paid $50 for it. Course that was 60 years ago.

  • Will share my find. Dedicated to you Wellie, aren't they just gorgeous?


  • Happy Birthday Wellie. So sorry about you losing your horses. Like losing one of the family? well, it is. I know cause that is the way I felt when we lost an animal. I have cried a bathtub full in my day... Well, anyway it is so good to hear from you. I miss your posts.

  • IRENE, I just wanted to tell you that I got that same identical phone call. I couldn't understand what he said other than something about some private things had been stolen from my computer and that it wouldn't be working right. At this point I knew that something was wrong with the call so I just hung up. During that short conversation I had to ask him several times to repeat and still couldn't understand what he said. It occurred to me later that perhaps he wanted to keep me talking for some reason.

  • Rehab? Well friends, I never did like to go to it. I kept telling the instructors that I was getting sick with that treadmill and the stationary bicycle things. Now, we know that my problem is and was my difficulty in breathing. Managed to get through it until I collapsed and then I could get out of there. Couldn't quite understand it myself for I certainly got a lot of exercise keeping my house and running after 4 kids.

    Loved to play games, softball in particular riding bicycles, jump rope. The swing was my favorite thing. Finally as an old lady, I realize that my problem was that when I can control my own speed and stop when I have enough, I am alright.

    Now I especially enjoy Water Aerobics and go to the local YMCA with my husband whenever possible. Since I have to wear an oxygen breather, I am not sure what I am going to do about the water. Bet that we will figure something out. I try to do more household chores everyday. That is exercise enough for now for sure.

  • Irene, Andrew Luck is the name of the new quarterback who is replacing Payton Manning on Indy's Colts football team. He hasn't been with them very long so I don't know too much about him. Course neither does anyone else yet but I am sure they will.

  • Hummm. What would you like me to talk about? What would you like to know? Ask and you shall recieve.
    This new football LUCK person seems to be nice enough. He is very polite and articulate during his interviews. The female population seems to like him ALOT. Have to say though that I have a special place in my heart for Payton Manning. We in Indy will always remember Payton because of his contribution to the young people here. And, certainly for his endowment for the new wing at the Children's Hospital.

  • A Happy Easter and a blessed day to everyone.

  • We have a new feeder tray on the banister just outside of my window. On that side of the glass a squirrel and a chipmunk, are sharing sunflower seeds and on this side of the window is a very excited kitten wishing he could be out there too. Kitten's tail is swishing off the desk as he is very excited. Since he is very young, this is a new experience for him. Yes, we got 2 pictures of this and when I can figure out how to do it, I will show them to you.

  • Susan, hope that you are ok today. Will be thinking of you.

    Another thing you can do with that cookie is…as soon as you take them out of the oven you can put M&Ms, kisses, raisins etc in the dent. Also, it works with plain cookie dough, like sugar cookies, oatmeal etc.
    When you get them done would you send me one each? mmmmm

  • It is still very dark out there and the weather man last night said the we are to have some beautiful weather out there for several days and maybe a week. Wonderful way to have spring?

    As I have left this suggestion on the other boards, here it is for you.
    Today’s cookies are peanut butter and jelly cookies.
    You make the pnb cookies in the usual way but just before putting in the oven, you press a dent in the middle and in that dent, you drop in the jelly via teaspoon, then continue as the recipe requires. They are extra good while they are still warm.

    Add a big glass of icy cold milk and watch them disappear.
    I use strawberry or black raspberry preserves or grape jelly.
    I watch them a little closer towards the end to see how long it takes them to brown properly.

  • Gee Susan, Sorry you have a hard day to face. I have done a bit of those waiting hours. I used to have a special shopping bag that I lugged around with me with a few necessities. Today, that includes my Kendle. I also take along a crossword puzzle book if DH is with me. He gets a bad case of the Heebie Jeesies. There is not much room to pace in a hospital waiting room. He doesn't smoke so he couldn't even go out of doors for a ciggie.

  • There is something especially beautiful this morning. I will try to describe it for you. If you could just climb in there between my ears to see some of the wonderous things I see from my computer room window. More about that later.
    The sap is up in our little sugar maple and the squirrels are busy nibbling along the limbs to get a taste of that sweetness. Hanging on one of the small branches is a big blob or drip of that sap. The sun light is caught in that bubble and it is a beautiful crystal, changing to an array of rainbow colors as the light wind moves it about. It is gone now but lasted long enough for me to realize what it was and to enjoy it. Prettier than any piece of glass and sure doesn’t last as long.
    Anyway, you can tell that I am awed?

  • Morning Potties! I just got a lecture from DH telling me why the clay based pottery cups don't work too well in the Microwave. I love them too so will have to heat up drinks and things in a large measuring cup and then pour that liquid into my Pfaltzgraff cups. They are a discontinued item, originally made in Japan. They are called Napoli Blue. I also just bought some insulated cups and glasses so will try them and see if them keep my soup and coffee warmer longer.

  • Good Morning Potties! Just frittered away Monday and so I have some things I have to do, ignoring the dining room table loaded down with tax papers also. My Spring Housecleaning will begin soon and the only thing I will be able to do physically is to call a cleaning woman, recommended by my Humana nurse. Having done that, I am going to have to part with some of my "Things". My youngest DD says my extra bedroom is looking like the "Hoarders". I told her I am not hoarding that stuff, I just don't know where to go with it. She suggested the SA or GW. Yeah, well it all doesn't belong to me either. Sometimes I think that Grandma's is a place to store things.

  • Good morning Potties. Weather news last night said that there was a Tornado watch from about 2:00 a.m. on. Well, I woke up not long ago and couldn't go back to sleep. Started thinking about the past tornados we have seen and been in and remembered that I haven't gotten my survival supplies in order lately. We have been lucky and have not had the damage that some in our area have. We live very close to Washington Street which is the old National Road 40. Here in Indy, it is called Tornado Alley. It looks like all there is is rain so far, thank you God.

  • HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEAR, and of course that your whole Holiday Season was as great as ours was.

    I have had a super nice Christmas. Some family made the trip back here again that were here for Thanksgiving. We had all kinds of food again with so many bringing their share. The kitchen counters were always full. Everyone pitched in to do something. My youngest daughter just took charge and made sure that things were put away or in the frig. She even ran the sweeper several times as Christmas was about a week long this year.

    We received a lot more cookies this year which pleased my DH for he is a first rate cookie lover. Wish that I could send you all some as they were so very, very good.

    As to the pottery that I am going to sell, we did make a few decisions and so as soon as the Christmas things are all cleared away, we will work on that. I have no idea what most of it is or what it is as I have just loved it and bought it or inherited it. It will take me a while as we must put our "shipping room" in order as all season long if we didn't know what to do with things, that is where it went and shut the door tight. Now it looks like we are hoarders. Nope, not us.

  • GORDON, the possible side effects for my Prednisone I have just started taking says to notify your doctor if you have troubling reactions which includes rashes. You could call any way just to make sure.

  • mim posted an update: Friday, Nov 18, 2011, 8:11pm EST; 54 minutes ago · View

    This post is a copy that I am using on the other boards to explain that after making request for others to post, I may not be able to as much as I wanted. so here it is.

    It is Good Evening Cause about 2:00 a.m. I had an Asthma attack and had to go to the emergncy room. Came home again this morning about 10.00 am. Had a breathing treatment, exrays and left a pint of blood and lots of oxygen. Have an appointment with Drs on Nov.25 at ll:oo a.m. I tried to get out of that one but was told, no way. I sure am glad that I am not cooking. All I have to do this year is be here. The kids are all taking care of things. Not exactly what I had in mind today but well, no one put me in charge of me either.

    I am really in no pain, just the problem breathing and coughing. Awfullly sleepy and getting a lot of it too.
    Am taking Prednozone…excuse the spelling as I would have to get up to find out how to spell it.

    Fortunately, about the only thing I can do other than read and watch TV is use my computer so, here I am.
    No sweeping, making beds and little cooking, then using the microwave. I do sit and cut up veggies for my salads.

    So glad to see your posts, thanks so much for writing.

  • Hey Gordon, I am glad for you, that you got your dome fixed. Things are so expensive any more and those with a fixed income...well, you know.

    We are still battling with the yard. It seems that every year that there are more leaves than the last. I know that when my family get here that every last leave will be in it's right place. They are also going to put up some Christmas decorations. Even though they won't be here.

    We have our family here on Thanksgiving and then, those from out of town spend Christmas with the other side of their families. Sometimes some of them show up here for Christmas. It is according to what day it is on.

    What is going to happen is that we are going to get together sometime in the middle of the summer too. I think that the last time they talked about it, they just about agreed on July 4th. Course that is fine with us. Since most of them have children, they will also go visit the Indy Children's Museum. We also have a wonderful Zoo so there is plenty to do.

  • Well, we must be lucky for at our Golden Corral, there are signs up several places that the kids under 10 yrs old must be accompanied by an adult. I have seen the managers talk to both the children and their adults about the running up and down. Anyway, there is very little of that at ours.

  • Lovely advice Gordon, If only I could remember

  • NANCY pretty picture anyway. It is a beautiful, though cold day here. It is supposed to rain later on but, as for now the sun is shining.

    The squirrels are all busy gathering acorns and planting them. There aren't nearly as many acorns as there were last year so we are going to have to watch closely and if they are on the porch a lot then we are going to have to buy corn at the co-op for them.

    WELLIE there is that cute doggy avatar again. It isn't the same one as you have now is it?

    What do you have to do for your horses for the winter? Do they stay up closer to the barn in cold weather?

    How is your Mother? How is your diet coming along. Getting enough things to eat that you can tolerate? I get so hungry for fast food and of course the salt content is more than I have at home.

    Right now, I am trying to find something that taste good on my salads, I am awfully tired of oil and vinegar. Most of the diet dressings are low on the fat content and not enough on the sodium so I tried just a little bit and all that does is make me hungry for more. Woe is me. I am fine really just need to birch every once in a while.

  • Good Morning! and it is. I can't seem to get organized today and I have so much to do. I always have lots to do but today, yawn, it will wait for me. I will just either make a mess, break something or bumble around and have to do things over again if I force myself today. This is they type of day to make "to do" lists and make a big effort to not lose the lists. Pityfull, huh?

    My DH plays Bridge every Wednesday with his retired buddies so I will call this my Bridge day.

    I need to do surgery on the plants that we brought in from the porch. Some, I am going to cut way back and repot and others I need to just bury them and tell them they have done a good job and now it is time for them to rest. So, instead, I will probably just go crawl under the quilt and read and rest.


    Lots of hard work and I am so proud of her.

    Yet, taking time to help and educate us. Big hugs too.

  • Gotta big sad feeling cause this is probably the last full day for the old boards. I feels as bad as losing an old friend, which we are. Though I started out at the Cafe and Books, I also visited the Q/A and Glassy/Pottie ones.

    I think that eBay is making a big mistake but then they didn't ask me. We will never know now, will we? There is no way now to be able to see what all you folks are listing. I bought a lot that way and now that method is gone. AWK

  • You know, I don't mind that a company that I do business with makes big money for that is why they are there, to make as much money as they can. However, in this case, the reason that I am here is that I want to make money too, and a lot of it would be great and it seems that eBay is making it much harder to do so.

    When I hire someone, I try to treat them the very best that I can for I want them to do a good job and if they do, I want them to continue to work with or for me. Seems that eBay just ain't like it usta be anymore.

    This is the very first time in the 14 years I have been with eBay that I have ever been critical of them and I suppose I will somehow wish I hadn't but, the truth is the truth.

  • The only spotless house I have witnessed is that friend I mentioned and my mother-in-law. She has passed now and we all miss her so. With DH's mom, cleaning was her hobby.

  • I make home made soup. Well I cheat a bit and occasionally use Dinty Moore as a base and then add all kinds of stuff. My family sure gobble it up. Actually, I get all the ingredients ready and my DH puts them together in the slow cooker and stirs, he loves to stir. I use the turkey chicken and ham bones and with the ham bones, I put whole raw potatoes in with it all to draw off the salt and someone always grab the potatoes first. They seem to like them all. Especially more. We often make chili, let it cool and store in the frig until the next day. That way the ingredients have all married each other and that stuff is gone in a hurry. Buy frozen noodles for the chicken and turkey broth, don't have energy to make them any more. Sometimes, not often, we fire up the bread maker and have it too. PS. the only one who is over weight is me. Sigh again.

  • Good Morning! where is everyone? I hope that you are not doing your Fall house cleaning yet. I haven't finished my Spring Housecleaning...from 3 years ago. I have a lovely friend who announces that she has started hers. She is sooo nice except this annoying habit of hers of telling everyone what marvelous chore she has accomplished. Don't get me wrong, I would love a very clean house and might as well not ever expect to get done. There really isn't a DONE. It is a myth. I think. Maybe. Too many humans come and go through that front door of ours to ever be able say done. How about you???

  • Gordon, glad your doggy is going to be ok. It is so hard to treat pets since they can't tell you that they are sick or where and how it hurts.

  • On the other hand, there are other insects out there too.
    Afternoon, Well, it’s goodbye September and hello Autumn. The is still a lot of green out there and flowers blooming that will last until a heavy frost because they are so close to the house. The Cicadas have stopped chirring using their shell and wings with a cracking sound, somewhat like a cricket only much louder. We do have a cricket in the washroom who is still in love and hasn’t found his mate yet. It sure is agravating Jasper and he goes in that room and grumbles deep down in his throat, translated from cat to peeps is, ”Come out here you coward and I will give you what fore”.

  • If you watch closely, you can see all sorts of wonderous things outside of my computer room window. Today, a garden spider is repairing and respinning her web that was damaged by the rains this week. She is about as big as a nickle, not counting her long legs and is an array of colors throughout her body and all along her legs of dark brown and bright orange. Her web, when we first saw it was the wagon wheel type and she caught her meals mostly at night when the moths came to the window drawn to the light. During the daytimes, she had snacks of the hornets or wasps that buzzed around her web. There were two webs and the other spider is now gone, either to the weather or became this spider’s meal.

    I can watch and wonder at this industry and not have any creepy crawly feelings because he/she is on the other side of a tight window and a storm window. However, if I was outside it would be a whole different story.
    I think it is interesting yet, I know some don’t like to think of these critters, let alone watch them at work. So, if I have offended anyone, sorry.

  • The ordeal is over, except for the extra sleeping and drinking a lot of fluids. The proceedure, right and left heart catherization took twice as long as originally planned and left my DH in a worried ragged mess. When we got home, he went right to bed too.
    We see DR this afternoon and find out what we do with the results of the tests. Perhaps a quietier life and different meds.

    We received a note from the DOT that they are going to do massive resurfacing our street. So far they have spray painted locations to various pipes and sewers, etc to the delight of the kids walking home from school. This is good news for the bad weather we had last season has left some serious damage.
    The rain we have had lately, some of it heavy, was so welcome. It gave everything a bath, including the car and left a lovelier shade of green to a dying lawn. The fall colors are starting to show a little bit here and there and the squirrels have a heavier coat already and are super busy burying acorns all over the lawn.
    We are already receiving political calls and signs of the coming election here and there. I am tired and bored with it already.
    I got some of my old auctions relisted and wonder if it will be worth the effort to list any more books.
    Hope all has been ok with you all and still am not caught up with reading all of your posts.

  • GORDON, give that wonderful little doggy a pat and a hug from me too...please.

  • fryqueen. Love the name Lumpy. We had a big white, with freckles on his ears, English Bulldog. He was the pick of the litter and was always so lovable that we couldn't bear to sell him. He lived to to ll years old which is old for a bulldog. We kept him clean and he so loved the bath tub so much that it was a joy to bathe him. This doggy had too much and very loose skin so he looked like most people that a bulldog should. He had a big heart himself and took a part of ours with him when he died.

  • Hey Bob, I don't know exactly where you and the rest of my Florida friends are located. So, how the heck am I going to worry about if you are all safe and not in the midst of those storms? I hate the thought of the damage they can do to your property or even you. Scares me. Yet, we have bad tornadoes and floods here in Indiana too. I is the not knowing that hurts. Sometimes, I need to worry.
    We are having family visiting for several days so I will be busy just soaking in the news and making sure that everyone has what they need and plenty to eat. They are going to help DH with the yard which is in bad shape because he couldn't get out there because of the heat.
    The raspberry canes need to be tied back are they are trying to grow up the porch steps. Guess they are lonesome or know where the drinks are. My house plants are out there too and have had to have extra water. That, we can manage but not the weeding and trimming. There has been a lot of limbs down too from the storms and they need cutting up. We just put them down by the end of the drive way and they disappear during the night. I some times hear a truck and think that must be the elfs out there picking up the wood.

  • Hi folks. My avatar here is MeMe We owned this pair of sister Siamese kitties back in the 80's. MeMe and SoSo were fun cats and very verbal. They were good with the grandchildren and loved the bulldogs. They were also flycatcher. Never knew that cats could do that. Would snatch them right out of the air. Such wonderful soft fur. Can you tell that we love cats? The pottery is waiting for pictures and although I don't have a cupboard full I think that all I have is not old. This all will have to wait for winter for I have so much on my plate now that I can't squeeze any in.

  • Dream on Amber. That would be my wish too. I remember those good ole days when the eBay Cafe was the place to hang out. Most of those people are gone... dead I am afraid. Miss them so for we were a tight group. Now, we have the chance to make the same thing happen here and the ethics will follow along.

  • Good Morning everyone. It is so good to see you all. It is a beautiful day in Indianapolis. 68o and all is calm and so clean looking after the rains. We lost some big limbs in the storm but they were from a city tree out front that needs to go. There is no wind and the Ragweed has not gotten to us yet. The birds are so happy with the Poke weed which this year is over 7’ tall.
    Today will be a fun day. I will be spending an hour plus at the new JoAnne Fabric and Craft shop. DH has some shopping to do and so he will leave me there and pick me up when he is done. It has only been open for several weeks and everything is so clean and new and orderly. Will spend some time at the pattern table. Er most time.
    Then he will take me to the Golden Corral for lunch. Love that too. We have gone there so many years that we meet have a circle of friends, not always planned though. And, of course, several favorite waitresses.
    I don't know Shelly, but I am glad to meet you anyway. The only boards that I have post on with any regularity are the Book Board and earlier The Cafe. Been around though, ha getting rounder all the time. (sigh)

  • We have to bomb the house every several years. Cat, Jasper got out and played in the yard last week end and when he finally came in, he has been scratching a lot. My kids bring their dogs when they come to visit and since our yard is fenced, it is a good thing to do. You know, the dogs are part of the family too. Jasper isn't too happy but, that's life we tell him. One spoiled cat. I won't get to the eBay listing until after Labor day and every time I decide to really do some more listing something comes up, besides the sun. Ah, the lazy days of summer just didn't happen this year.

  • Nomde...Had a good laugh about your catnip drunk kitties. We used to grow it and I plan to get a start some where next spring. Not only did my kitties love it, also our bird friends. Today, they are attacking the poke weed that we plant just for them. It grows quite high and has reached to roof eaves this year.

  • Hi. Please note. We have had problems, a lot lately, with our cable company so have gone over to Comcast. So, our email address may change. So, we are available as always going to have our yahoo email so If you need to contact me, use the Yahoo, unless your are notified. Sigh, I so hate change.

    sooo, I hope you all have had a great day.

  • Hi everyone. I am trying to decide what of my tiny inherited "things" are of value" They are all old but how old is wanted or needed...I'll bet you all know what I mean. It is all older than 1950.
    I will mostly be lurking but will answer anything. Just ask. Wish you all a pleasant day. Mim