• Evening all

    Shelley my Mom would have gotten them at Walgreens or a local drugstore. Online wasn't an option back then but maybe you could find them on the internet with the lighter compression. I hope it helps your ankles and maybe the colder weather will provide some relief. Yes we only had 1 funnel cake each, lol.

    Max oh yeah cats on the counters were a pet peeve of my Mom's also, mine don't do it but they manage to get into everything else today Batcat was convinced he belonged in my sock drawer so I left for Costco with it open. Hubby was never too fond of cats but then we took in those babies and they were so tiny sleeping under his chin and now he is gaga over them. We mellow out so much as we get older, lol.

    Susan I did not know that about PineSol, I love Clorox for heavy duty and a regular mopping I use that Gain scented Mr. Clean, smells good to me. I really hate advantage for fleas as I hate chemicals but it is brutal out here with fleas and it leaves me little choice. Now I see they have pills they can take for several months but I always think how hard that has to be on their liver and kidneys, its not like we really know.

    The baby loves a roadtrip watches everybody at Costco and was exhausted coming out of there. Stopped at Huddle House for
    food as we could eat and make sure everything we bought was OK in the back of our truck, hit an antique store and the prices were too high for me and headed home. Looked like rain but never amounted to much.

    I am going to see what game is still on and curl up on the couch, bye all

  • her not him on the kitty...

  • Hi Gordon, Jayne is right about the Diatomaceous Earth or DE, it is really has a lot of health benefits. Make sure you read up on it when you have a chance. The stock market is at an interesting point as in August and October somebody bought stocks with conviction. Will be interesting to see if those areas are defended. How is the boat trips and fishing going?