• Hello Everyone,

    I think I fixed the birthday list glitch where it was showing a day early. Please let me know if you notice any problems in the future.

    Take care,

  • All updates are complete. Please let me know if you notice anything that doesn't seem to be working properly.

  • Hi everyone,

    I need to update this website's software. I should be finished in about 15 minutes. If you run into any problems during that time, please log out and back in again.


  • Thank you for the birthday wishes Susan (@whodat111)!

  • Hi All,
    I would recommend that anyone who wants their birthday to show up in the right hand sidebar to please edit their member profile and update it. Hit the "save changes" button even if your birthday looks correct. Something apparently happened to the birthday field during one of the many system upgrades. I apologize to anyone who's birthday was missed.

  • Shelly, Irene, Max, and Susan,
    Thank you for the birthday wishes, I really appreciate it!

  • Hi,
    The "Load More" link at the bottom of the page is working again.

  • Hi Everyone,

    The upgrade is complete. There is a known bug that is causing the "Load More" button to be inoperative and may cause password resets to fail. The developers should have a fix out in a week or two.

    As I mentioned yesterday, pictures will now display in your posts. They still need to be hosted elsewhere and I highly recommend http://postimage.org for that. Please use the new "Image Wizard" menu option above to get started with posting images on this site.

    Here's a picture of my cat Chauncey, who at this very moment is draped across my arms and making it difficult to type.

    Pictures are automatically displayed at a reduced size in your post. To see Chauncey at full size just click on the picture. A window or tab will open with the original, full-size version displayed. When you are done, just close the window or tab.

    When you put the html for your image in your post, it should look something like this:
    <img src="http://s16.postimg.org/4badcbx79/chauncey.jpg" width="640" height="480">
    Notice that you only need to use the HTML img tag. The program will turn it into a link automatically, so you don't need to do that yourselves.

    See the section in the Image Wizard labeled "Tips For Posting Images". Please read those tips before you post your first image. IMPORTANT: Posting pictures that have not been resized for the web will only make the board sluggish, so as I say in the instructions in the Image Wizard, "BE KIND, RESIZE!!!"

    Hopefully you won't run into to many problems with this upgrade, but if you do find something wrong, please let me know immediately.


  • HELLO EVERYONE - I wanted to let you know that I will be doing an upgrade
    to the Chat Boards tonight. Please refrain from using the board after 9pm
    eastern time. When I'm finished I'll post an "all clear" 🙂

    If all goes well each board should only be down for about 15 minutes. One
    of the new features will be the ability to add pictures to your posts. If
    you run into any problems after the upgrade please let me know.


  • A belated thank you for the birthday wishes @shellyrae37 @inmax @whodat111 . We went on a garden tour on Saturday and had cake and ice cream that evening. Everyone's peonies were in bloom and I love seeing all of the different varieties. My favorite garden was terraced and had several private seating areas that would be perfect for curling up with a book.

    Sorry for the website outage this afternoon. Who knows why it went down, but my webhost said that they were experiencing widespread outages. Probably someone at the data center tripped over a cord 🙂

  • If you are having trouble logging in, use the new link in the sidebar labeled Alternate Login Page.
    Hopefully my web host will have the problem resolved soon.

  • Update from Laurie (wellingtonct)...
    She says hello to everyone, she's fine, her computer died in October, but she hopes to be chatting again soon.

  • Apparently the login fix only lasted a few days. I called my web host and they're now running the same job that temporarily seemed to fix it last Friday. Another customer has reported the same problem, so they are reviewing this further to try to come up with a permanent fix. For those of you who are experiencing this issue, please let me know tomorrow if it is still happening.
    Thank you for your patience.

  • I reported the login problem to my hosting provider and they ran a script that may or may not solve the problem. If anyone is still experiencing login problems, please let me know so that I can contact my provider and let them know that their fix did not work.
    Thanks, Curt.

  • Welcome Jo flora (@joflora), I see you solved the problem without me. Thanks to everyone who helped. -Curt

  • Hi folks,

    You may be experiencing problems either displaying this website or logging into it. According to my web host, they are aware that there is a problem and they are working to fix it as quickly as possible. It is affecting many other websites, not just ours. I appreciate your patience and I'll let you know when it has been resolved.


  • Good morning...
    I just wanted to give you a heads up about a possible outage in the near future due to software version changes at my web host. So if you come to the site and it's down, don't panic. I'll have it back up as quickly as possible.

  • Time test...spring forward.

  • Time test...don't forget to turn your clocks back folks.

  • @fyrqueen Katie, it's okay to post a link to Facebook. It just may not work so well for people who aren't on Facebook.

  • Thanks Susan for the birthday wishes.

  • Thank you Char and Katie for the birthday wishes. Char, you did a good job of spreading the word, lol!

  • @jmart8248 ...Hi IreneM, your profile is showing that today is your birthday. To fix this please follow the instructions for updating your profile in the "How To Manual". Any questions, please let me know.

  • http://www.chatroomboard.com update...

    @lookwhatbobfound ...spelling correction noted and fixed.

    @gordon ...I'll take you up on your offer. You will of course receive full credit for any articles you post. I'll give you and anyone else who is interested their own login with full "author" privileges, so you will be posting your own articles and they will have your name on it. You can either use a pseudonym, or your actual name...whatever you want.

    I still need pottery-related keywords and key phrases for the search engines, so if anyone would like to take a shot at that, please email them to me.

  • Hi again...
    Regarding the question of how people will find these boards, there's probably no single, best answer, but I thought I should let you know that I've recently set up http://www.chatroomboard.com to serve that end. The new site is search engine friendly, but it won't be a "chat board" where users can talk. It will be a plain-old-boring website that will have lots of keywords and references to these boards, thereby allowing search engines to find these boards without letting Google, Yahoo, etc. document your every word. So search engines will continue to be blocked from each of the specific boards but at least you will be able to be found if you so desire.

    If you go to http://www.chatroomboard.com you will see that it is still quite unfinished. The walls are up, but there's no furniture, so to speak. That's where I need your help. I need a paragraph or two, or maybe a short history, about each of the boards. I need keywords and phrases that people using the search engines would enter. I will also be looking for volunteers who would like to engage their journalistic tendencies, regarding pottery and/or auctions of course, to contribute articles periodically. That way there will be even more for search engines to latch onto. These articles will be the first thing people see when they bring up the site and it will be a way to keep it fresh. The information about each of the boards will be on a separate page and the search engines will have no trouble finding that info.

    It is just a way to attract attention and to be found.
    I'm open to question and suggestions, and I plan to post variations of this request on the other boards.

  • Unfortunately I feel compelled to point out Rule #3 from the Guidelines page:
    "DON'T... be nasty, inconsiderate, annoying, or disrespectful, and NEVER bully. Innuendos will also not be tolerated, even when they may seem to be justified by the inappropriate posts of others. The correct way to deal with problem posters is to use the "Flag" button..."
    If anyone regrets anything they've said, use the delete button. If you disagree with something you're reading, either respond constructively, or keep scrolling.

  • Hi All...

    I've had several requests to make the ”Post Message” button bold since it's a little hard to see. I just finished making that change, so if you don't see a difference you may need to hit the refresh icon at the top of your browser.

  • Some flags have been thrown, so I’d like to politely request that everyone refrain from making any negative comments about other boards. Please consider deleting any comments that have already been made…thank you.

  • Although I recently created a birthday page for you, I’ve also added a birthday feature to the chatroom.

    On your profile page you can add your birth date (no year necessary). On your birthday it will show your avatar in the sidebar and wish you a Happy Birthday…and hopefully others will too.

  • The Birthday List is now displayed in the sidebar under Fun Stuff. Thanks to Gordon and others for the great idea!

    If I've missed any birthdays, just send me an email with the name, month, and day, and I'll add it to the list.

  • @gordon ...what you saw was an accident. I should have the link in the sidebar shortly.

  • January February March  
    20th Gordon
    17th Shu
    20th Susan
    3rd Gayle
    18th IreneM
      April May June    
    4th Reen
    16th Beth
    14th Nancy
    24th Cathy
      July August September  
    13th Jan
    21st Dan
    20th Janice
      October November December  
    1st Marty
    27th Marson
    29th Chris
    31st Wes
    7th Plume
    12th Bear
    2nd Jeanne
    4th Bob
    15th Shelly
    23rd Char
    23rd Delores

  • If you're having jpg problems then try renaming the file to make all letters lowercase, including the .jpg at the end. An uppercase .JPG will cause problems for some inexplicable reason. (@trezchick and @gordon)

  • Hi everyone! Hope you're all doing well.
    I’ve added instructions to the How-To Manual for updating your profile, and also for viewing another member’s profile. The member profile is where you can find the link to someone's eBay auctions. Both sets of instructions are at the very bottom of the How-To page.
    As always, if you have any questions for me, send me an email.

  • @collectibles4utwo ...Chris, I was just able to change the picture on my test account, so I think picture uploading should be working okay. One thing I discovered today is that the file extension cannot be in uppercase or it will fail. So for example, basket1.JPG would fail, but basket1.jpg would work. So you many need to rename it before you do the upload if this is the case. Hope this helps.

  • The Pottery Chatroom Board is now officially open! Use the ”create an account” link (upper-right) to get started. Refer to the first section in the ”How To” Manual for step-by-step instructions.

    There is lots of room in the sidebar, so if you have any pottery-related links that you think others would find useful, please let me know.

    The url is not the easiest to remember, so I highly recommend that you bookmark it or send yourself an email with the link. While you don’t need to be logged in to view the posts, you do have to log in to post and to take advantage of the ”Message” feature. If you plan to be a regular on this site, then I highly recommend that you read the ”How To” Manual. Please read the Guidelines for the rules of conduct and especially read the section on ”flagging” posts.

    I’m open to suggestions for improving the site, so send them along.

  • Welcome to the new pottery board. I still have some adjustments to make and some testing to do. Please wait to register until you see another post announcing that this board is open for business.